
2007-05-24 | construction of the fashionable CCTV pictures

Kenya is the world's largest wildlife protection is the best one of the countries. Maasai Mara is Kenya's largest wildlife park, and the Tanzania frame, an annual great migration, when large groups of beasts, factories across the Kentan frame pursue team. We are providential to be here this time to visit, spectator the wild beasts is closely related to human subsistence. today, I recommend shooting a picture of the African elephant.
this time I use a Canon 30D ,70-200mm zoom digital camera lens, plus 2 double from the lens. the other one is a Canon 5D digital camera, 15mm fisheye, 24-105 small zoom.
biological characteristics:
shape of the black elephant namely the largest land mammal. male and female African elephant was dimorphism (male and female gender above the shape or physical characteristics are alter.) Male shoulder height of approximately 3 meters (9.8 feet) and weighs about 5000-6000 kg (11000-13200 lb), when the female elbow height about 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) and weighs about 3000-3500 kg (6600-7700 lbs). The average life expectancy of 60-70 years.
Their thick gray or brown peel, long gray bristly hair and acute. In mandate to Protection from skin from the sun with or mosquito bites, the African elephant often wallowing in the muck, or with their nostrils in the dirt body spray. African elephant Asian elephant diagram is too large, up to 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) fan favor ears than the Asian elephant's large. African elephant's behind there is a concave bend. female and male African elephant ivory are long, the African elephant ivory in the growth of life, so the greater the age the extra ivory large. African elephant ivory secondhand to collect edible, transmission,beijing massage, as aggressive weapons.
and the Asian elephant, the African elephant also uses its nose to smell, dine, communicate, operate objects, bathing and drinking (they are not directly nose and drink water, but water and then sprayed with the entrance of the nose). The African elephant has two front end of the nose the same prominence as the fingers (the Asian elephant has only one) to help them control the objects.
pygmy elephants live in Africa the jungle lowlands and marginal places in the forest with a large body of other African elephants mating. pygmy elephants of about 2.4-2.8 meters (7.99.2 ft) 1.800-3.200 kg (3.968-7.055 lb). They are ivory straight down growth, while the oval-shaped ears.
Ling Ping more than incipient pictures are taken. rebuilt please clarify.
Natural History:
history, the African elephant alive in the Sahara Desert south, due to human encroachment and agricultural land expansion, the African elephant habitat to make limited national parks and defended areas of woods,shanghai massage, woods and savanna. elephant population from the one-year-old female elephant 50-70 lead, elephants elephants are generally composed of 8/10-15/30.
mother's pregnancy, as about 22 for the months (the longest mammal), the afterward annual output of every 4-9 Aberdeen (twins extremely rare.) calves at one time weighs about 79-113 kilograms (174-249 pounds), about three years age until weaning, but in association with living with the mother as 8-10 years. the elephant and the elephant have been living attach, and Male African elephants left in the 14-14 year-old adolescent elephants. blood of elephants close relationship, periodically bunched together to fashion a large community of more than 200, but this is only short-lived.
male African elephant living alone or the formation of small elephants pate 3-5, with the same female elephants, male elephants in the class building is quite complicated. in the male as the athletic period, testosterone levels heave, offensive strengthened. This is an boost in eye secretions , the urine will drop thigh.
elephants are very sensitive sense of smell and hearing. Recent studies have shown that elephants use infrasound to communicate long distance. Their diet includes grasses, roots, tree buds, shrubs, bark , fruits and vegetables. They nectar 30-50 gallons of water a daytime. The average age of African elephants 60-70 years of age.
species status:
African elephant along the U.S. Endangered Species Act and the World Conservation Union listed as jeopardized category, was comprised in CITES Appendix I, but in Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia, the three countries, the African elephant are redefined to Appendix II.
mature African elephant is indeed difficult, the common heaviness of 4 tons or more,from Pau Gasol obtained the fight hands of aggressive rebounds, tin be almost large ten tons. Recent studies show namely there are two African elephant: African savannah elephant and the African forest elephant. common African savannah elephant is the world's largest land mammal, big ears and the lower peak, irrespective of gender has a long and curved ivory, character and temper, will take the initiative to bombard other animals.
African forest elephant ears and a round, individual small, generally less than 2.5 meters high, 5 feet before the toe, toe, behind fewer than 4 (the same as the Asian elephant), ivory texture harder. According to the recent genetic inquiry shows that it is no the same as the African savannah species. African savannah elephant and the African forest elephant has a significantly different genetic characteristics,toronto escorts, and its see like there are very different: the forest as smaller size, round ears, ivory and roseate in color than the straight. In the past also base in the African rain forests have a smaller body like the Japanese, now the African forest elephant is considered an immature individual. Namibia there is a subspecies of the African elephant ---- African abandon elephant. the 1st tread of meat bigger, better adjusted to water life, very aware of water conservation, and will in the desert in quest of water.
the United Nations involved in multinational trade in elephants. Since the forbid has been rapidly rising cost of ivory smuggling has greatly motivated the multinational illegal ivory trade, triggering a new round of hounding the African elephant.
According to lacking statistics, a few years antecedent, Africa there are 20,003 one thousand elephants were slew. At present, the elephant has been listed as the world's ten most threatened species of trade.
to protect endangered elephants, Kenya and other countries have cried this the implementation of the General Assembly to 20 years on the ivory trade ban, to restrain the illegal ivory trade,shanghai escort, poaching severely penalized to prevent the extinction of elephants.
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