
animals alternatively obstacles

Driving at night is still lightly the most tense and dangerous driving situation. Driving friends probably have the sensibility of driving at night, you must put more attention than during the day, not only the right to pay attention to pedestrians and bicycles , should always pay attention to pedestrians crossing the road on the left. If the inverse circumstance of light vehicles on the road lined up,toronto escorts, accidents are there are pedestrians coming out from the crevices of which car to cross the road. In addition, Azeri's eyes from the bright night to the dark absences a process of adaptedness, so when passing through intersections, busy extend of road, neon and other light irradiation on the driver's line of sight and to nail the color of vehicle lights are affected, then we must dwindle speed to dodge dangerous situations happen. vehicle chance statistics show that driving at night there is a big latent risk: in Germany, although the proportion of people driving during the daytime accounted for 75%, but approximately 50% of major accidents occurred at night. This means that driving at night double the hazard of the daytime. According to statistics, in Europe there are around 56 million injured in traffic accidents at night, and another 2.3 million people died. Similar situation also occurred in the United States.
dangerous driving causing excellent night The reason is obvious, in addition to the on said, the human eye to adjust to light problems, for people all beam lighting, making the weak light conditions is limited, road obstructions or alley outlet constantly not discovered until late .
Although the authorities built a lot of road safety facilities, increased lighting, road signs, etc., but the vehicle itself does not solve the security problems. Recently, the company developed a BMW driver alms systems, including BMW The night vision system (BMW Night Vision) and the high beam assistant system (BMW High-Beam Assist). which, night vision system can be penetrated as early as possible so that the driver in front of people, animals or obstacles,toronto escorts, in order to avoid risk, crisis situations occurred; and high beam assistant system can automatically control the high beam in the most appropriate and when necessary to open and near. Here they were introduced to principles and characteristics of their work.

BMW night vision system The chief function of the system is the early observation of a dark avenue by night human jogging, cycling, beasts and obstacles. It is the use of human and animal's own heat radiation specifics, the use of distant infrared thermal camera to arrest these objects and then displayed ashore the shade. BMW night vision system aboard the root of the aboriginal automobile, only multiplication 2 annexed hardware: camera and control unit .8.8-inch exhibit and journey control system monitors in 1. the use of the system , 5 s before of the driver tin find a risky situation.
BMW night vision system, night vision feature button control element

control unit to obtain data from the camera and then render them into images on the screen at the chief monitoring . dependent on external conditions, the picture can brighten or darken the electronic control. In medium-speed driving, the monitor displays the image in the scope angle of 24., 6, and can adapt the left and right .. it is via the so-called reorientation the driver cornering the steering wheel angle control. at high speed,shanghai massage, the object can be photographed with a digital zoom percentage of 1.5:1.
thermal heat camera hidden camera

thermal camera in the vehicle front-end Install anti-collision in a box, windshield bathing system is likewise responsible as washing the camera. When the outdoor temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the lens cap were heated .320 x 240 pixels, the shooting distance 300 m, to 8 to 14 shooting sensors mm wavelength scope from human and animal health records uploaded to the thermal radiation, so the pedestrian walking street and wade through the animals on the road has chance the brightest objects in the image, which is the most should disburse care when driving converge.
thermal camera
the vehicle to fewer than 80 km / h speed driving, the length to 36. the class of hole angle manner that not only can look the situation on the roads, including road side of the people and animals can be seen apparently.

a high beam assistant system of the U.S. Department of Transportation studies have shown that the use of high beam only in the likely use of 25%, people tend to like to use beam wiper switch as frequently. Another study shows that when the driver opened the high beam, they often forget to turn it off in time, guiding to the outcome of dazzling other drivers. These cases are available through the use of progressive technology to avoid. beam support system for people to more frequent and appropriate use of high beam catered for advantage. It makes the high beam is always in the most need and approval to use.
high beam assist system high beam assistant system camera
main components are installed in the rear view mirror in front of a sensor housing, the sensor contains a camera, camera images are fed into one electronic appraisal system, from the front of the system analysis object to automatically control the opening and closing the tall beam.
off the high beam in the following cases:
1, while coming along a vehicle (including motorcycles).
2, when the new side of a vehicle (ruddy taillights can be identified).
3, there is ample road lighting conditions.
4, low speed, the open beam and can not bring more security situation.
beam light patronize system does not necessitate additional switches or control elements. only to be passed along the lump on the automatic light control unit. In addition, the lighting system medley switch to high beam situation, when an instrument plate control light beam advocate system has been shown to go.
, of lesson, high beam facilitate system does not completely replace the role of the driver, it can be artificially at anyone time annul,beijing escort, simply switch back to the portfolio ; beam light that is: high beam gopher system can not in all cases always had to deal with,6 月 17 World Day apt Combat Desertification and Drought International Father's Day, such as heavy mist in the face, and then there is not light source such as other road users mm pedestrians, bikes, nag riding and other people who can not well acknowledged by the system. In the rustic penniless lighting conditions, it should be shut down artificially high beam collaborator system.
far-infrared beam

assistant systems accustomed in naval night vision technology in truth and civil vocation has been a long time, there are two different approaches: Near infrared Near Infrared (referred to for NIR) and far infrared Far Infrared (referred to as FIR). NIR and FIR are proficient to record vehicle and converted into shape image whistle. merely compared to NIR, FIR has the following advantages: (1) FIR able to see objects from the 300 m, when the NIR can only see 150 m. (2) NIR as compared to light as its foundation, of special note, For the reflective object on the screen was especially bright; contrast, FIR radiant heat show only those objects in the object mm more heat, light will be. Therefore, in humans and animals ambition be over in the monitor way more apparent to additional objects. Thus, BMW's night vision systems have chosen FIR, it is best effected in the dark, pre-and object detection functions.
BMW night vision system switch combination switch in the lighting system side. A iDrive menu used to control the camera activity. BMW night vision function of this country road afterward the driver, narrow channel, when the dark underground garage provides a special convenience, so that they can be more in the night safe passage clearly. This system Q4 2005 BMW 7 Series on the equipment.
with night vision photo:

