
Shaanxi stars go together

Of: Jian Xie
Sohu Securities March 26 IPO News DBN online roadshow held in Beijing this p.m., the scene in the Great Northern Roadshow sideline Officer, Chief Financial Officer Xuesu Wen adopted one exclusive interview with Sohu securities to investors more probiotics business issues of care, he said, the company probiotics business profits up to 70%, the business will be provided in the funds heaved 59 million yuan.
Xuesu Wen said the company has earned citizen patent of microbial feed product technology, in improving pork quality, reduce barn ammonia, to reduce respiratory diseases such as famous performance, a powerful thrust to the company's feed products, the competitiveness of the .2010 high aboard plans to create a production line of probiotics fermented devise production capacity of 10,toronto escorts,000 tons / year.
data show namely probiotics is to cultivate the ecological equilibrium of gastrointestinal microflora of animals, animal health and representation benefits of a level of micro-organisms play a feed additive. At present, microbial feed additives in the United States to use approximately 50,000 tons, annual sales have more than 200 million U.S. greenbacks; microbial additives in Japan every year has reached 5,000 tons, merited at more than 2,000 million U.S. dollars. the annual international sales of feed additives have been over 2.5 billion U.S. dollars.
Xue Suwen said, probiotics are the main target customers and small and middling planters feed mill,beijing massage, this fashionable type of biological agent is its solitary feature of the growing cattle manufacture, with beyond research Microecology and the people Green, safety and environmental awareness growing,beijing escort, probiotics are quite broad applying prospects. The major products of ecological agents competitive advantage: a arrow culling of probiotics strains patented technology; control of liquid high-density fermentation technology, viable enrichment technology, a kind of drying techniques, multi-strain compatibility compound composition of technology, fabrication technology; high the concentration of viable, multi-species formulations; more bacteria by the complex, full use tin depress the amount of 5% of the feed to depress the incidence of 50%, 30% also reduced medicinal prices by 60% alternatively more of ammonia, indole and other harmful gases; with a variety of drugs and vaccines can be used in association with synergies.
It is understood that the new domestic microbial feed additives industry is in its infancy, in spirited development and application of feed additives business about 400 know next to nothing of, the Ministry of Agriculture, about 140 production approval. domestic sales of feed additives is about 20 billion yuan, with sales of 1 billion yuan less than five products with annual sales of more than 3,000 yuan but dozens, most of the enterprises with annual sales of 1,000 yuan. According to the new total domestic production of feed and pigs, fowl, ruminant and aquatic propagating animals to enumerate the aggregate, domestic market capacity of feed additives at 180 among 100 million to 20 billion yuan, the current penetration rate of about 10% marketing, the market is excellent, very broad prospects because industrial development.
DBN feeding probiotics commerce antagonists are Bora Lee, Shandong annuals, to ex *** Kang as the representatives of biotechnology companies. The commerce has a decisive mark, technical services and sale capabilities, products and rational amount; The other major opponents are diplomatic products in the domestic implementation of the agent providers, in the local district to promote the market has some ability,shenzhen massage, but relatively high prices.
the largest fared contractor in Shandong probiotics Polaris behalf to the company, the company's 2005 sales of almost 3 billion The chief products of animal microflora, fermentation proteins, enzymes, folk with health care products, development of aquatic microbial 2007. The company's key markets in Shandong Province. VI to Grace Kang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is too a major probiotics fared production corporations, with annual product of 3,a blended of brandy amid the flowers spring nightfall,000 tons namely immediately super condensed microbial products, the ability of the company's 2005 sales of 120 million yuan.
servant and some 1 million fewer in anniversary bargains company such as Guangzhou Ship, Guangzhou Chun Tai biology, beast husbandry by the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fujian wide, Shaanxi stars go attach, creating his enterprise Shanghai, Xinjiang, Tian Kang, Hubei Angel; Sichuan flat major, Chengdu sapient, Shenyang l Thailand, Hebei, China rain, etc..

