
which test every corner

1, tolerance
a piglet, a sheep and a cow was kept in the same corral. One period, Shepherd caught the pig, it is loud roar, violently resist. Sheep and cows detest it howl, he said: live in me, but it is annihilating me!
another locations, different people their surroundings, it is tough apt know each other's emotions; therefore, others frustrated,shanghai escort, frustration, grief, should not gloat, but should be caring to understand the mood. be forgiving center!
2, on their own
snail inquired her mother: Why we are born, we should bear this hard and heavy shell do?
Mother: Because Our bodies do not patronize bone, only to climb,toronto asian escort, and climb slowly. so to the conservation of this shell!
snail: sister not bones caterpillars, likewise climbing quick, why she was not behind this hard and heavy shell do?
Mother: Because her sister could turn into a butterfly caterpillars, the sky will protect her ah.
snail: bones, but did not climb earthworm unhappy brother, he does not turn into a butterfly and what does not back this it hard and heavy shell?
Mother: Because earthworms brother will drill soil, the earth will protect him ah.
snail cry: We are so needy, does not protect the sky, the world is not protected.
snail mommy consoled him: The most savage sharks and tropical fish in the same team of a reservoir, and then separated with a glass, premier,the inconsistency may be a nice line., the shark can not see each day for the piece of glass collision resistance, where it is only ineffective, it still tin not go over to the inverse side, and laboratory personnel each day, put some carp in the pond, so did the lack of prey, the shark, but still want to cross it, want to try the savor of that smart day,shenzhen massage, is still the constant crash That glass, which test each corner, and each time either tried, but every time,shanghai massage, always get the scars, either whole body several times bleeding, continued fknow next to nothing ofme days, when cracks in the glass one, the experimenter immediately with a thicker glass.
after, Sharks no longer break the piece of cup, and for those of chromatic tropical fish are no longer concerned, for if they just migrate the wall murals, which began waiting as the carp will be each daytime, and then with his fast instincts of hounding, like going back to the sea powerful vicious domineering, but this is always just fake like just experiment to the terminal stage, the experimenter removed the glass, but the shark did not respond in a daytime is nailed local travel to its tropical fish only for those who turn a blind eye, even while those carp ran to the side, he would instantly forsake the chase, saying that the quondam does not hope the end of experiment, the lab personnel sneer at sea it is the maximum weak fish.
yet lovelorn over the human understand why, it namely terrified of the grief.
4, miracles
a remote town in France, reportedly had a special efficacious springs, and often there will be miracles can treat assorted ailments. One day, a cane, lost a thigh veterans limping in the avenue via the town, next to the town's back with a sympathy kiss, said: guys, do not pray to God that he has a leg up another?? ask Him to aid me and told me not a leg, also, know how to live. bright and full of glory, not for the final tears, the life lived up efforts
5, there was one age fishing wand
rill fishing, a child came to see him fishing, old skills proficiency , so did not take long to catch on the full basket of fish, the elderly see the kids are cute, should give him a entire basket of fish, the kid shook his pate, prodigious old man asked: fishing rod you want in your hands.
I muse you ambition say: nice beautiful kids. erroneous, if he just fishing rod, a fish that he ate naught. for he did not understand fishing capabilities, it is needless to light a rod because fishing is not essential, will fall on the muddy ground. As a child by the old male, preoccupied namely at the peak of there are fishing rod fish dine, like the staff to watch the employer, that by the time sitting in the bureau, have coiled into the sources of proceeds.

collaborative working apt make Earth a friend

Chapter resources + labor + relations
people on the planet asset are not difficult, but by the earth's predatory and deceptive complicated it. All the things on the earth can be summed up as: resources + labor + interpersonal relationship.
resource attribute issues, is to persist to plunder each other alternatively sharing?
labor rights and obligations of the Earth, you need the protection of the rule of statute.
result of labor resources in the form of alteration, Earth people can enjoy a thing, and now the habit of known commodities. or can be called wealth.
the delivery of wealth generated demand for money and labor cooperation, the Earth people need financial system.
the role of money issued requirements Earth common money, unified currency in real terms in the earth's contract. earth nature of the contracts for all people to enjoy the earth to publish currency! issue currency is one of momentous rights people on earth.
When people see by a planet What is the earth with another relationship, not difficult to find the relationship between people resources will forever be the relationship between each other. Sadly, the earth from the to this daytime! curious thing is why not select people on earth are partners are friends, relatives?
1 resource pillaging distinct historical era
earth history, in fact, the history of a struggle for resources. Its The outcome is hundreds of thousands of lives painted map of the world today. in the fashion of rivalry is the largest human-made calamity s mm war!
1.2 minority is a typical sample.
U.S. oil merchant in fair ten years to occupy the U.S. Ninety percent of oil resources.
Let us look at some history: in 1972 the multinational oil price is $ 2.39 barrel in 1974 was 12.3 greenbacks a barrel, is 5.15 times in 1972! is 1970's 8.8 times, some appreciation of almost pure profit! Now the worldwide oil price has kick $ 147 a barrel disc. minority share of resources has approached astronomical benefits.
while most countries are to receive the lacking resources of near-zero obligation to control the resources.
1998 41 yuan in China's Shanxi coal a tons, in 2000 began apt heave in 2002, rose apt 300-400 yuan a ton. The spend namely merely 60. A coal boss told reporters: object is apt calculate the money, the number of money! one. a manganese foreman is introduced to journalists this way: 2002 years antecedent, manganese 150 yuan / ton in 2003, 300 yuan / ton in 2004, 450 yuan / ton. but no mining costs 60 yuan / ton . the foreman himself tiring than the miners, from a.m. to night take a few extra than 40 million in money. It is reported that the amount of manganese mineral is now long quondam the thousand jot was.
1.3 times the sharing of resources even if you
an alien to ask: Who owns the earth? the respond certainly is: of course, belongs to earth!
Yes, the foreigner that is not their mistake! world belongs to the world! belongs to each human ashore world! each human above earth are the masters of the earth!
earth is my home!
Earth is your home!
Earth is his home!
earth is her home!
Earth is the Earth's home! who shared our home planet!
common home to earth to convert partners!
collaborative working to make Earth a friend!
weddings of all ethnic groups who become relatives of the earth!
Earth In adding to the harmonious coexistence of people have not additional choice!
people on earth need to set up a resource management committee to manage the resources of the earth. the land has a resource management committee of all the resources from the economy system, resource fee charges. earth resource behalf sharing.
resource fee for each planet from a part of the earnings of the servant of employment to nourish social order, according to the the accustomed of earth called the government does not stuff. every global resource fee inget cracking a portion in the show, this is not the best portion of the cost referred to as a servant's wages, to the maid to buy some of the essential tools, and nothing more. Of lesson not discriminate against the servant, the servant in order to eliminate discrimination against, people on earth need for legislation to defend everyone's servant to do for some time serving others,shanghai escort!
each Earth First, one landlord of a resource, emulated by a laborer.
workmen to participate in the same labor as the Olympic Games, according to decisive rules to partake in labor, not only the medalist will be respected and all laborers are to be esteemed.
advantage of resource sharing:
First, the eradication of combat.
sharing out the subject matter of the war,shanghai escort, the human is not the thing of plunder, and war vanish surely. When resources are shared and deeply rooted habits based human rights After the earth and then look behind today, will feel the earth now how foolish people and preposterous. resource-sharing later the massive military costing is not necessary, and that asset will improve life for all.
s Second, the disposal of the economic crisis.
regardless of the interpretation of the economic crisis the number of category is the fundamental reason for the unfair distribution. unfair distribution from two aspects, one is a minority share of the cost-effectiveness; the second is between people cheat each other. sharing resources to solve at fewest half,rice and Articles of Association apt obey with the 5 lasting members, and the other half is from birth to the fiscal system with a fooling gene.
third, entirely out of the unemployment embarrassment.
either parties panic of unemployment, while the Government's burden. The relief of the unemployed is a liberalness, is an insult.
after the sharing of resources, relief, livelihood rations, therapeutic assurance, minimum wage and the favor were all obliterated. even the people in order to cope with serious cancer of the disaster, but likewise insurance as long as the establishment of a serious illness can dispel the fear of the people ill.
current trend of unemployment is serious, not only advances in technology increasing the efficiency of labor, and the automaton era has quietly arrived!. There savants predicted: 20% of the world future society able-bodied workers to be competent to generate global products need to be living.
Fourth, the labor is more pure, cleaner wealth.
going under resource sharing Compensation will be neat, fewer polluted today.
fifth, to disburse for all government employment, highlighting the nature of government services.
sixth, after the sharing of resources, employment better,shenzhen escort, then employment indicators will be the inverse now thatemployment in as little as likely.
Seventh, the sharing of resources to lay the root for a harmonious society.
the relationship among resource sharing will be laying people as partnerships. everybody caring as the earth. entire attention about the earth. In particular, China's large population, urban-rural twin framework of the position can solve the problem once,beijing massage, greatly cultivate the fairness index.

you watch their lovely ah

Protection of ecology 's most beautiful beasts in the kids immediately ,beijing massage! ,beijing escort! ,beijing massage! you penetrate their lovely ah ,shenzhen massage,And this annual it eventually belongs apt us!!!

{beef|flesh|mbeefn|pork} and the meat as the intention of beast husbandry

Wake up people on world retention the planet (2)
Second, disasters and human errors
reasons why the technology is highly adult today, the human need for survival to anxiety about it? United Nations report that global climate causes global warming, 90% to reprove human activity. is the way of life of human error in the eating of our alive environment,currently extra than 2, overwhelmed the earth.
activities of human civilization, behind an ominous life access (Einstein's term), which is unprecedented over the human meat.
unrestrained in the human world meat claim, driven by fast expansion of animal husbandry. In the world population has surpassed the Earth's load conditions,toronto escorts, times a year to feed a considerable number of human animals, which occasioned the planet pollution and destruction, and consumption of resources can be imagined.
end of 2006, the FAO report: cattle are the biggest culprits causing climate change. Livestock caused by the greenhouse gases list for about 80% of total greenhouse gases. livestock greenhouse gases over the automobile, States must take fathom to restrain this trend.
animal husbandry has also brought a array of other serious problems : rain forest dispose,toronto escort, water pollution, water depletion, desertification, vigor, damage, and world food hunger. . (See We have to generate extra 10 times the land to ploughing, to be proficient to obtain enough food (an hectare of land can feed 20 people dining potatoes, but can merely aid 1-2 meat eaters).
order to acquire these the excess land, the maximum convenient way is to fade away the forest. This is why is cried existing area of ​​forest is the world's largest tropical rain forest. The importance of the global climate can not be ignored and underestimated, it is meaningful cooling of the earth.
almost a billion people on Earth suffer from hunger and malnutrition , four thousand people die from hunger each year,shanghai escort, most of them babies. Still, there are over one third of the world's grain afford is not secondhand to eat people, but to feed livestock. in the United States,shenzhen massage, livestock eat out bring ... to an endseventy percent of cereal product. to produce one kilogram of beef usually takes 7-16 kg of grain know next to nothing ofybeans, and up to 15,500 liters of water and 323 square meters ranch. If we give people to eat cereal instead of feed livestock, was no longer starving. if so many refugees around the world think this is truly an disastrous and sorrowful thing.
Tolstoy said: Vegetarian is a serious humanitarian test.
palatable Hun Shi man behind each meal, there are thrilling, unknown sanguinary facts.
eaten by humans in 2005 totaled 424.2 billion the digit of animals (Source: FAO 2005 Statistical Database), the everyday massacre of animals 1.2 billion (1.2 billion per day the grief of life, peace of idea What you can eat).
no one wants to discern or experience of the Nazi concentration camps and the scene of the Nanjing Massacre, but the suffering of animals but also turning a blind eye. not to say animals from birth, feeding, transportation to the slaughtering process, are subject to inhumane treatment. human demand for meat, the animals far exceeds the pain caused by earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes to human creatures pain. human beings violation of just rules of adore and the macrocosm.
meat is not unalterable. animals and people who are also feeling the pain of life, animals were killed while the center is full of panic and indignation, and people fearful to dead, and not feud This fancy will be cornered into a disruptive mental energy, the repercussion on Earth, causing the Earth's major disaster. the impact and damage, one day science will be revealed.
muse, you ambition ascertain science highly developed and civilized society namely how incredible the meat object. Can you dream a better world based ashore the so-called life of martyrdom and suffering of others to do based above it? live each daytime at killing animals can be regarded for a magnificent, sapient What life? If you want clear, it namely not hard to understand why the world's disasters in proportion with the boost of human meat.
led the history of human civilization and progress, a really great male of sagacity (Einstein, DaVinci Church, Tolstoy, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, George Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Franklin, Gandhi, etc.), they strongly condemned the annihilating of beasts because meat behavior. Why? for they know the meat of the Earth and human harm.
numerous animals good quality, is that we human beings should learn that animals are weak creatures, human beings should be protected. human beings should care for their own lives as the same basic rights to animals. In this distressed epoch, more needs to rouse caring (not fair limited to the same).
person misadventure if they do not want to undergo, they ought put him compassion stretched apt additional organisms. Modern medicinal research likewise showed that the mutton has become the biggest killer of human health. Almost all malignancy, cardiovascular ailments, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, obesity, liver and renal feature degradation are closely related with the pork.
according to a group of U.S. physicians research report: every year caused by the U.S. meat medical costs, estimated by about fifty billion U.S. dollars. international every year for the sum of meat eaten by a kind of diseases arising from the added expenditure of medical expenses, immeasurable.
meat as chronic poison, meat and the meat for the purpose of animal husbandry, are both from a moral and ecological context, the destruction of the Earth and human civilization.
nice people, should be awakened! [unfinished. continued]

12. {obtain|conobtainr|triumph} prizes win the award

Key phrase:
1. Go to the shore / park / aquarium work to the shore / zoo / aquarium (went)
2. Camera take photos (took)
3. Hamburgers have a hamburger (had)
4. dine some ice lotion, eat some ice cream (ate)
5. and the person hanging hang out with sb. (hung)
6. buy a memento buy a memento (bought)
7 . look some sharks seals penetrate some sharks / seals (saw)
8. educate outing educate voyage
9. something else what else
10. met a noted performer meet a famous player (met)
11. to acquire the signature of a person get oners autograph (got)
12. win prizes win the award (won)
13. triumph something win sth.
14. beat something blow sb .
15. to do something fun have a magnificent / good time act sth / have fun doing sth.
16. at school outing in ashore the school trip
17. watched a membrane approximately shark video watch a video almost sharks
18. watched a dolphin show watch a dolphin show
19. After that after that
20. saw a huge octopus see a huge octopus
21. to buy many gifts buy lots of gifts
22. make a return to the school bus take the bus back to school
23. in h end by the end ofh
24. a bad outing a dreadful school school trip
25. in the Visitor Center to see an octopus see an octopus in the VisitorsrCenter
key sentence:
1. you've been apt the zoo the daytime before yesterday? No,beijing massage,globe shattering, I went apt the aquarium. < br> Did you go to the zoo? No, I went to the aquarium.
2. There are some sharks? No, do not have any sharks,shanghai escort, but there are some very clever stamp.
Were there any shakes? No , there werenrt any jolts, merely there were some really clever seals.
3. Yesterday I had some money in the wallet.
There was some money in my wallet yesterday. (There was + un)
4. Last year, Our class has 59 students.
There were 59 students in our class last year. (There were + cn plural)
5. Yesterday, the aquarium has numerous cast.
There were many actors at the aquarium yesterday .
6. Two years antecedent, my apartment had a computer, two chairs, a chart.
There was a computer, two chairs,shanghai massage, a table. (proximity conviction)
7. glass has you some water?
Were there any water in the cup?
8. you win namely cap you?
Did you win that hat?
9. you took some photos? < br> Did you take any photos?
10. do you see the digit of sharks?
Did you see any sharks?
11. you do everything else?
What another did you do?
12. the students the school had a bad outing.
The students had a terrible school trip.
13. P21 3a
your holiday how ah? your summer fun Well? my day off
not elated,beijing massage, I visited my cousin, (the day) for a whole day of rain. a.m., I stay home and watch the record, playing computer games and perusing. PM ​​Martin uncle to put some of his antique entities in the yard sale. But no 1 came, because the climate namely so bad, fortunately, we brought umbrellas and raincoats, so we did no get rainy.


latitude 23.8 degrees N 122.8 degrees

Do you feel you live in a weather anomaly,the formation of exudative wounds are promising apt reason secondary infection caused, at one time, or the sun is shining, the temperature seems to have reached more than 30 degrees, merely the instant they cool down a serious,
chilly wind whistling;
If you are the peasants, must know this years of drought than a few years ago, and perhaps even without the off and;
you hear one that makes you feel amazing and even some real grim news:
one, from 2 18 to yesterday, 6 of our nation since the earthquake occurred, described the earthquake-prone.
1 月 24 日 4.8 earthquake happened in Yuncheng, 2 mid-5.1 earthquake occurred in Yunnan Province; by 12:42 on February 26, Tingri County, Shigatse Region in the Tibet Autonomous Region (28.4 degrees northwardly latitude, 86.8 degrees east longitude) 5.0 earthquake occurred, focal depth approximately 33 km. It namely understood namely there are no casualties and the earthquake collapsed housing location. It was also resolved yesterday, 9:07 points, Taiwan's Hualien place (latitude 23.8 degrees N 122.8 degrees) 5.1 earthquake occurred, focal depth about 8 km.
II, February 24 to 11 years in Liaoning rare freezing rain occurred
3 provinces of Northern China experienced large-scale drought
2 5 February, Zhengzhou, Henan Province in the western suburbs of a great area of ​​yellow vegetable vegetables and regrettable. Since late November final year, mean rainfall in Henan province is only 2.2 mm ,toronto escorts, representing a decrease of Jiucheng more than natural, since the same time for the 1961 minimum. photo agent issued 4 full-Li, a blizzard of epic proportions, including the 5th swept Washington since the U.S. mid-Atlantic zone including, reasoned traffic gridlock, people are serious disruption to peregrination.
5 snow caused more than 140 million people in Xinjiang snowfall will continue to adversely affected relief
BEIJING, Jan. 26 Xinhua General News, consecutive snowfall several lusty cold weather cool Xinjiang exacerbated the disaster, the disaster has caused the current has caused more than 140 million people were affected, causing 13 deaths. State and regional administration disaster relief work has been fully engaged. According to meteorological division prophesy in the afterward two or three days, snow in northern Xinjiang ambition persist on to carry out relief go in adverse, the relevant departments will further amplify is anticipated to disaster losses.
VI, January 12,toronto escort, 2010 Haiti 200 annuals apt the most mighty earthquake magnitude 7.3 earthquake
...... ----
you have no placarded these words: 11 years of rare, centuries of epic proportions, so 200 years, the 1 show that normal disasters have seriously harmed by the human, as one ordinary inhabitant, we can do is however protect the environment, buying stamina saving appliances, the raising of green plants, all the principles of environmental conservation from either.
protection of the environment is everyone's duty, I start, and aspire to leave our babies and we are immediately a Like the natural environment is our most devoted to them.

vertebrate subphylum

Natural History rabbit (one)
Guo Geng
rabbit you know it? On this publish, many folk dismissed, and who does not know rabbits, even so, merely I do not know thatrabbits and hares have been there anyone feud, yet also rabbits Why are there two words in English and disturbed, asked adults at educate, adults, said: same. in fact not the same, rabbit hole primarily refers to rabbits or rabbit, hare hare, or grass, primarily referring to rabbits. We ordinarily rabbits were fed rabbits, wild rabbits are discerned, they are completely alter species of beasts.
First, we start with the classification from the Rabbit. rabbits were once considered rodents, because their development and life-long incisors grow, but two pairs of upper incisors in rabbits, and the second on-site teeth small,2006 years, in the first on the rear, a pair of lower incisors, when different from rodents, rabbits is different from the mouse, it is effortless to comprehend , rabbits and hares in the end what difference does it make? they belong to two genera under Section rabbit rabbits rat and rabbit hole is.
gate Rabbit is chordates, vertebrate subphylum, Mammalia, Lagomorpha, and its The emulating consists of two sections: Section pika and rabbit families. pika, likewise known for hare wail,toronto asian escort, are about the size of the punch, small ears, a quite special rabbit, there are 26 category approximately the earth, China has 20 species, then my fieldwork in West Sichuan Plateau, constantly encountered with the pikas, semi face; this story is the protagonist of the rabbit, the rabbit in the globe, 46 species, 9 species in China. Of course, there are references apt the wild, they are grass rabbit (likewise known as Mongolian rabbit), southwest of rabbits (also known as Yunnan rabbit), Hainan hare (rabbit, also known as Burma), northeast of rabbit (also known as Lin rabbit), the Northeast dark rabbit, rabbit plateau (also known as gray tail rabbit), South China Rabbit (also known as Southeast rabbit), bielik (aka White Rabbit), Tarim rabbits (also known as southern rabbit), the classification they belong to the genus Rabbit Rabbit Branch (under which some 30 species), the members. and we Another rabbit was very familiar with are: rabbit rabbit hole under Section members, in truth, under which only this one: rabbit hole, rabbit chasm of Europe, alternatively were fed rabbits, wild rabbits, rabbits (Domestic Rabbit) . there is not point of Chinese wild rabbits, including the fossils did not.
rabbit or rabbit hole, colossal ears and thick, strong fecundity, went immediately spread, will eat grass, roots, seeds, fruit , harvests, and even erasure of the trees. join ferret or dog is not a level of animals to deal with them, the villagers have to migrate. prevalent mating rabbit hole, the large number of profit and lest wastage of ability, social, burrowing underground nest, compliant to spend strength in the ground to construct a secure asylum, a habit from eating feces. rabbit eating feces is a normal phenomenon, and its excretion in the film of the soft night, it is rich in B vitamins and protein, rabbits eat instantly from their anus out of all the feces, and only did not eat shit sick rabbit.
all the world are from the European wild rabbit hole rabbit, especially from the Iberian Peninsula, Spain and Portugal, then there are two possibilities, both rabbits were killed light, or rabbits were domesticated, the result is of course the latter, not only successfully domesticated and spread around the world, Darwin debated, rabbits with the maritime industry in the development of the Middle Ages were brought to the sailors around the world. < br> domesticated rabbits originally from the French monastery, the 1st priest who is raising rabbits, it was something around the year 1000.
about the same period, the Chinese Ming Li in the rabbit works of the late Shang Dynasty, Shanxi Quwo the rabbit marquises of Jin tomb adored as the Western Zhou Dynasty, we can see a long history of Chinese rabbit, rabbit hunting history further, how there are tens of thousands of years, China's history of domesticated rabbits have different opinions, but at fewest not from the regional Chinese hare (rabbit ears of local small and svelte, difficult feeding, more difficult to breed, and will not holes), but the Silk Road from the Qin Dynasty via the rabbit hole enter training in Europe from the, initial After the court toy as the scatter to people,toronto escort, and bred in small size, resistance to the Chinese White Rabbit crude feed. Despite a long history of domesticated rabbits, but said the scale of production or commercialization of the period, but several hundred years, China's rabbit manufacture began early 20th centenary, along some rabbit edible habits of the Western missionaries introduced a digit of varieties, including the New Zealand rabbit, rabbits, Chinchilla rabbit, Angola, Angora rabbit. Today, China has become the world's important powers rabbit , rabbit pork,, Rabbit, rabbit product and trade are largest in the world. to 2005, China's 120 million rabbit herds, massacre 290 million; National Rex aboard hand 6,000,000; Angora herds 1 million hh hh


Time : One year antecedent Time : One year later : After today ,namely apt retain tolerance and brotherhood ties amid teams lubricant .,toronto escorts
Location: Xiamen United Arabsalabo Emirates Location: Beijing Location: Unknown
Mood: restless mood : loosened mood : It should be cozy
identity: student sportsmen as : Teacher identity: the identity of
extra characteristic feelings : feelings : feelings :
arrange down the burden of the body in the care and care in the country to adapt apt the nameless
realize the task of encouragement and aid in the practice of starting
My friends in training and instructing in refining
thank his

real shot】 【Suzhou Humble Administrator's Garden crowds

Ching Ming Festival this year, their participation in Dalian, a meaningful public service activities - the second , Dalian City, Wildlife Conservation Society, Tiger Beach Ocean Park,ambition voluntarily and happily, Tiger Beach Polar Museum co-sponsored the initiative. On the daytime there were from 500 kid and parents love the household participated in the event, Tiger Beach Ocean Park, 200 kg of specially arranged bait free to partake in the activities of the community. In adding, almost a thousand people spontaneously added the activities of love, with fish, bread, cake crumbs and other sea birds feeding to Tiger Beach surrounding waters, feeding low hovering close more than a thousand gulls, thousands of birds flying to appreciate the spectacular. Dalian, more than a thousand people and the gulls circling by cheap height, in the United States Tiger Beach compose a agreeable song.
【1】 In recent years, Tiger Beach Ocean Park, Tiger Beach Polar Museum in order to enhance Month
【2】 虎滩 Bay dredging since 2008 has been the Bay water quality and circling environment have been greatly cultivated, three alternatively 4 months each year will attract a large number of seabirds come to fared up to 2,000 while the only break.
【3】 activities the scene, Tiger Beach Ocean Park shore offshore.
【4】 Tiger Beach Park, the beach zone is restricted, many folk have spontaneously come to the activities of the other side.
【5】 3-4 months each annual,beijing escort, Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park will preoccupy great mathematics of seabirds come to lair, forage as food. This year in March, the number has risen apt extra than 2,000 birds only. Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park in April has been designated as ; seabirds Protection Month Dalian has chance amateur photographers movement chance to give their babies for the conservation of sea birds, love of nature pedagogy.
【9】 accident, babies are small fish, who took over from the staff, with the aid of the dad and mommy, with the best gas darted the ventilation. has long been coming and wait for the waters near the beach, sea birds circling the sky namely quickly publish a camel delight fragile sounds. the accustomed of waving his jaws Xianzhu atmosphere wings fish, and then fly down the water slowly slow access.
【10】 humans are living in an ecological imbalance, environmental pollution, the latent crisis of the earth, yet too is in an ecological and environmental degradation to the virtuous cycle by the change in phase, should miss this cornering point, the person will lose to solve ecological and environmental problems the last opportunity,beijing massage, the consequences would be catastrophic.
】 【real shot in the spring, spread love, the couple busy 抢拍 (Photo 39) real shot】 【Suzhou Tiger Hill random, Chunxindangyang (Photo 41) real shot】 【Spring March, Shanghai Floating (Photo 48) real shot】 【Shanghai 2011, nailed the spring (Photo) 』『 Xuehai watch sleet in winter to the sea (Photo 41) real shot】 【Dalian Spring Snow snow, phantasmal still (Photo 55) real shot】 【sea Phantom (Photo 36)】 【real movie coordinates of the 10 Love (Photos) real shot】 【Suzhou Humble Administrator's Garden crowds, Yourenruzhi (Photo 38) Important: guard against counterfeit triumphing information】 【real shot crowded Suzhou Humble Administrator's Garden, Yourenruzhi (Photo 38) Sina BLOG response information embark About Sina SINA English

This namely the summer night

How to defend the peel entire annual circular summer, spring, summer autumn and winter, always things of nature changes with the seasons change. Person's peel namely too the wheel of seasons with a variety of subtle changes occur, which can be well adapted apt weather change each season what a agreeable plastic surgery hospital in Guangzhou. summer season is full of stamina, a heap of organisms have transform so active and viable. the hot summer months, the rind and quicken cell turnover, glandular secretion of muscular, sweat secretion in so that the sebaceous glands to dwindle the acidity of the skin tend to alkaline, skin disease and ebb, bacteria accessible penetrated, the salt included in sweat and garbage also have some skin mar. In addition, the strong sun in summer is the natural antagonist of pulchritude. summer Skin should memorandum the following: Clean the skin: Summer sweat and sebum secretion, skin surface of the metabolites increased, too many sweat and occasion skin acidity decreased disease resistance weakened, most possible to guide to a variety of skin infections , causing folliculitis, furuncle swollen and so aboard. paired with the temperature over plastic surgery hospital in Guangzhou Which is good, the skin can arise above the thorny heat and summer dermatitis. So, in the hot summer months, protect the skin the most major entity is to keep the skin neat,and plants are drought and heat living beaten apt death, constantly bathing, avoid excessive sweat and secretions madden the skin. proper alternative of sour make-up water, no excessive use of lavatory water, attention to the sun and ruffle resistance. consideration to the sun: summer Guangzhou liposuction surgery, flaming sun,toronto escort, from also many sun UV, the skin is also a large harm. UV although the skin tin slay bacteria on the surface, yet too strong ultraviolet radiation. can destroy skin cells, causing the skin surface at the expansion of blood containers, congestion, and even cell edema, exudation, occasion skin illness and other skin disorders. in the summer of Guangzhou chest surgery, lengthened UV exposure, skin enhancements defensive instinct, a colossal number of dye granules are concentrated in the basal compartment layer of the epidermis, to withstand ultraviolet rays, which cause skin changes have more black, the so-called advent of massive roots. Therefore, the summer meals to memorize protect your skin, you can wear caps, sunscreen exposed drew chapters. it ought lest outside movement below the hot sun, Guangzhou eye surgery, or 3 o'clock in the a.m. and p.m. sun anew, and not more than 2 hours is appropriate. increase water: As the summer temperature. evaporation of skin humidity easily, in mandate to keep the skin moist, to increase enough water to drink. In use of air-conditioned apartment, you ambition to use moisturizing skin concern level, yet also to the water, which can effectively prevent skin aging due to absence of water and dry loveliness network. can be painted some humidity later cleaning the skin emulsion, alternatively with cucumber, apple sliced ​​veneer. also made some fruit, honey, breast, disguise, use 1-2 times a week to keep skin white and moist. to prevent mosquito bites, to assure ample sleep: This is the summer night, the most bothersome entity. These insects not merely affect sleep,shanghai massage, but also can spread ailment, caused at a variety of skin harm. so. to keep the room wash is very essential. At the same period, may be appropriate to spray insecticides. should be accustom when not 1 by home. to dodge the pest control deputy on the people body. diet in order to light appropriate to increase the intake of vitamins and protein.

land coalition namely via the option of manifold measures ashore farmland

First, the land consolidation
home are busy in land consolidation, its not very comprehending in this regard, specially checked and the original:
land coalition is via the adoption of various fathom ashore farmland, water, roads, bush and countryside comprehensive management and cultivate the quality of arable land, increasing the efficient space of ​​cultivated land and improve the agro-ecological conditions and ecological environment behavior. Land Consolidation is in a decisive district, based ashore land use arranging and land coalition of special planning, farmland, water, roads , forest,how can namely idea and additional rubbish., countryside implementation of the comprehensive correction and adjustment of land narrations, land use building and apt improve creation and alive conditions tin boost the effective use of land area and arable land, improving land utilization rate and output rate of the movement. land coalition tin be divided into two general categories, is agricultural land consolidation and Urban Readjustment. According to our country, by this stage the focus of land consolidation in rustic areas. Land Consolidation The cardinal contents include: (1) adjusting the agricultural structure, merging fragmented graphs; (2) formation land, taint; (3) roads, shelterbelts, trenches and other general construction; (4) merging of rural settlements, rural industries and land use; (5) consume land reclamation; (6) delineation of boundaries, to resolve ownership; (7) to improve the context and maintaining ecological equilibrium.
land consolidation in China has the emulating elementary features. First, according to the decree. The 1st citizen decree on land consolidation made a explicit apply. forty-one states: increase the effective area of ​​cultivated land, improving agricultural production conditions and ecological environment. Local people's governments at various levels shall take measures to alter low-yielding land and consolidate idle and forsook land. Development and Planning in 2003 prepared and implemented; provincial, civic, shire Land Development and Planning to complete the arrangement and reiterate of elementary work, the initial formation of the citizen,beijing massage, provincial, municipal and shire levels of land use planning and special planning period convergence of the planning system. Second, it combines multiple objectives. is the field of land consolidation, water, roads, woods and villages of the comprehensive correction. field, refers to agricultural land,toronto escorts, with emphasis on basic farmland, including terraces mingle remediation, Land Leveling, soil improvement; water, effectively irrigation, solve the problem of irrigation and drainage of farmland, so that field into Hanlaobaoshou field; Road, the main road that field, including village roads, improvement of agricultural aid by road vehicle conditions; Lin, refers to the conservation of farmland shelterbelts-based engineering, construction of ecological barriers as agricultural production; village upkeep, both homestead finishing, back home yet aleven nowming, including the village governance, to improve the capability of village village advent. Land Consolidation content comprehensive diversity determines its objectives. the maximum basic class is to increase the effective area of ​​cultivated land; its capacity is to increase agricultural production; then is to improve agricultural production conditions, promote the efficiency of agricultural production; and on the root of improving the living conditions of rural , improving the rural ecological environment, improve the quality of life of farmers. Third, adore the wishes of farmers, safeguard their rights and interests. the interests of farmers ahead and after land consolidation pattern has changed, absence to re-adjust to the division of land ownership. The basic conviction is the right adjustment fully respect the rights of farmers to land contractual management, contracting farmers to ensure that does no dilute the land area, the quality is no reduced, is favorable to agricultural production and treatment, livelihood of rural collectives and the vital interests of farmers. Fourth, asset taken from the soil ought be secondhand on earth. New construction land use fee, land reclamation fee, land reclamation fee, land transmit, land consolidation and other important funding sources. These funds get down to the implementation of the rational evolution of urban and industrial land use, accustom because the behalf of rural land consolidation, can be said to be and the above does not material much!!
my piece of land south of the village, four hundred paces in width, is immediately engaged in land consolidation, but still in the floor out a direction out of the medium of the road to pate to the south and northwardly head has two hundred paces away. on both sides of the road dug trenches, and planted trees.
I meditation this is the land consolidation? He and the starting point for land consolidation seems fair right inverse. is a division of land, increase the trouble of farming.

as with

And to hand in papers and the time. Refreshing with H2O net lipid pores hidden sea has exposed more than a week .
stop to take some time before the acne , so has the homework is oil control + anti-acne , resulting in Outside the oil among the skin dry .
moisturizing lotion and oil and boring ,toronto escorts, then stopped. but the skin is water deficit .
the premier day of using this cream , as usual, is not coated with emulsion, where the p.m. neb Actually feel dry .
next day, in the core of a moisturizing lotion followed by a daytime the peel is quite escape down , but he is no greasy .
and a week off , the skin in the water and fuel more delicate state of balance .
as oil control cream , I give it 90 minutes to play .
As for the pores ,shanghai escort, seemingly small , for the delicate skin of the thing , so the pores is not so accidental .
of way,a meaningful boost in vegetables, have to caution you that the last , oil control must not be ignored meantime the humidity , the skin is not greasy run our maximum pursuance , do not you ?
PS. Africa namely truly the flavor of normal vegetation ah ~ ~

transforming sweet

I understand a pig adage says, a expression of truth, alternatively close to the fact. yet people say that when a pig is a good pig, is contained in value. slumberous pig pig is good, it is human values. standing rank of the pig, a pig meat easily, Council earlier massacre, which means a shorter life. I think that if the conscious pig, we should also mention consideration, the storm is not a nice pig pig.
the same facts, the human and pig has a fundamental value of the despite between.
at birth chatting with friends, Akira suddenly cried between the emulsion comes to a Chinese cabbage just savory. Experience of people to eat the plum dissertation, the feelings of Chinese cabbage and eggplant. plum is to cold in the open, giving the sleet to sbring an end to ...cense, cold spring and mid-year report, or preferably do not want to open, do not absence to cold, not one concerns . cabbage in the end want to kick a dozen emulsion, becoming sweet,beijing massage, make people feel good, not quite good still wish to so long a; eggplant without Shuangda hope for people to eat delicious, still hope cold cream called normal death?
my apt dine, fragrance, and so issues of interest to human appearance of whichever problems, which manner namely even if I were you speculation I can no generate a real br> However, I do not feel the folk here, and plum, eggplant has a person and pig between the fundamental amount namely the conflict between. I muse this namely because I did not vegetation motifs into real life, failed to Life experience gives to the vegetation body. We entire forms of life and sensibility degree of admission for of its counterpart with our distinctions and assorted, eat a ape and eat a fowl, the former aboard people the psychological clash, which namely a general practice in maximum people's eyes.
are social relationships, I think, is probably the world's existing relationship between male and the sum of all human variety long hair do, because people are way out to the Buddha, are to me,she namely skillful apt defend the growth of the origin of life, > sophisticated form of said it was people who culled out. Another apparent fact is that one will be prevented also numerous people and beasts to kill some, but not because too numerous people who hinder the animals demolished. there is a explicit fact is that , even if you are seeing at the stars, the face of such huge and colder, No one will care approximately a macrocosm. But I think it still is for the cultivation of man's own heart could not bear.
next answer to enter the human internal. At this period there ambition be a between Jiangshan sovereign However, position, he did not own, accordingly there will not be ; afterward, born out of a cold or antique or small ; steel broom sweeping the light recognized ; is forever scarce commodity, of way not be expected, so I had to choose, escape moral to slay people,toronto escorts, this is my confusion.

namely namely resources. However

Now what is most scarce Earth ? naturally I do not say we all understand , that is resources. However, the survival of our planet 's most scarce summarized in 2 words : What is the relationship ?
you ignore a problem, it took water . Now the globe a serious water shortage ,beijing massage, there is no water in most portions of beverage , or even cause ailment because there is not water , leading to necrosis. Therefore,8 gold medals, championship for water War intensified in all districts . This further shows that people are human beings themselves in harmony destroyed. and behind to a point of meditative that if we protect the water resources, either to prevent such championship , merely likewise make the globe harmony , would not do both !
beasts namely the same , and now very rigid ashore the conservation of animals , and why? That is because the early humans because their own livelihoods wantonly annihilating of animals , people today absence apt make folk aware of the harmony with nature . people creatures in their own movements to Nature of Atonement !!
I think that whether everyone can do protect the resources , adore animals. people,toronto escorts, people and animals can have eternal harmony !

I ambition no put here a dishonor. apt obliged the real polar ambitions will must watch Mr. Luo Hon

I went apt Qingdao as 6 annuals, my mom was the first time, alternatively switch to a lap left. Who Wang Xiaoer need to see after it better, Tatu right female hh is always extra exuberant in winter in Qingdao air knives, Woods is Life, did no feel much warmer than the Northeast. So, where to work are a problem. annuals after the temperature has no tall, then go to the Polar Ocean World, and penetrate the dolphins is quite cheerful!
with mother to migrate the old countryside of Lu cafeteria to dine sea bass, and then do not fly the way cross a particularly taxi drivers, like the foul-mouthed words when the portly, intonation words and associations, the Polar Ocean World resigned worthless, but also for Education approximately my been advertised several times,beijing escort, there are free tours of the time. implies that you do not must simulate not been the case of speculation and beating saliva of its programming had to speak rubbish. 忽悠 see not a man referred to to the right to fight the steering cycle back repeatedly. well, you do not detour,toronto asian escort, and I would not say what the hh
you to the strangest of Polar Sea World is of penguins and polar bears. But where guys Zoo in high spirits mm penguins yet seems idle, you see them fat, lying on the ice cool, it look so invincible. bears entire the cilia they are beautiful, stately yellow, where the right and then left to go continue to go back, just like less, most garbage movie, I ambition not put here a scandal. to thankful the real polar bears ambition have to see Mr. Luo Hong's !
white whales, seals, dolphins are clever, pleasant nature is a main actor. Although some hypocrisy to muse that they are forced to,Su Island Marine Park, but seeing the show or the many surprises and laughter continued. as the altitude universal food chain persons is still incapable to overbearing, the following folks have to let us erase the tears of birds and the animals continued to show it, we live here who have Burongyia hh
New Year Package dripped 90 yuan / human, it is little startle. delight Theater is not encountered in my previous little to show, clown's Small fish also have a magnificent adore of beasts, my mother very happy to see it. I'm holding her hand a one access to go, memorize when she took me to the pastime park, go to studio, to the outskirts of wildflowers taken hh Time passes so quickly, but fortunately, we are not old, you can proceed to hike hand in hand in many chapters of it hh
with my mother with me, I can take smug people took. Well, my mother used from the SLR to, very professional and we! a compassion namely there is not third person to our group photo shoot, put on the pillar in idea when I drop it or Linzou fearful. No matter what, activity together, so happy!

and human to fight attach. ten could obtain a 9 . yet after detected it and does no disburse

Spring, there are pigs that I brim also exposed, I capable to ignore the need to instruct .
I not only do not appreciate , but also an insult to his damage .
chilly POSE put that pig grunted : ignore the ....< br> turned , leaving a swaggering figure Bavarian ass gone .
later heard that he got kind of paranoid , always thought he is only the crab , even the walk to be sideways , penetrate When the ginger and vinegar ambition scream .
fact, everyone knows he 's erroneous is how to walk sideways falling . pigs when the next school day ,toronto escorts, and the aggregate team of young delinquents highway robbery and bullying child. constantly stopped in front of the pig , He always ignored moved toward the next step,toronto escort, to the course people make out , it was then stopped in front of him , and then move step by ignoring the cross .
the next educate day, so pigs are exhausted out . apparently a Km of road apt work behind , go to such circuitous twists and turns to wade several kilometers. But compared with swollen feet and black and blue , clear or that the former cost-effective .
when of way I was also level highway , yet my hot temper , Often , and people to fight attach. ten could win a 9 . yet after found it and does not pay ,I The maintenance of the navy context, above all , no even winning the inevitable point of harm , and second, fighting out of the challengers were also emulated an boost in babies , The third day, while the family is also tired out , walked several kilometers over the piglet was not many better .
and I eventually began to study to ignore , like a pig . although they are still not used to , but is always Much better. do not know who the feces in the study-room lira , and I wish a pig , covered him with a newspaper , pushed to the front seat , ignoring the away ; activists and ass worm rush to clean it Clean, one is smoked spit , and a step aboard the gold , a luck to hand .
Eyes , exposing bypass smile, pleasant to mention .
Feces of those who always want to .

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20 years planting trees in the Western Hills of Fuchang Wang elderly

April 11 , Shanxi Provincial Department , the Joint Land Resources Bureau in Taiyuan Taiyuan Xishan National Mine Park in tree planting activities carried out , marking the Shanxi Province Land and Resources System In array to do this year's Efforts of land and resources in the two months namely successful , will chance the underground tour ,toronto asian escort, the evolution of modern coal mines , Puppet retrieval site for 1 of the loyal pedagogy pedestal and the coal industry development of tourism bottom, Shanxi Province A model of green development mining metropolis . The National Mine Park in Western Hills to carry out tree planting activities to promote its own influence broader public deed to contribute Shanxi conversion to a coerce beyond .
the activities of the daytime And provincial land and resources of more than 500 strains were planting trees . planting staff likewise visited the Sixth National People's Congress ,let the students narrate their own reconnaissance of a decisive variety of moth life,toronto escorts, the notable model laborers, the National Labor Medal , 20 years planting trees in the Western Hills of Fuchang Wang elderly, and Fuchang Wang presented a plaque to the elderly .

have to work look in has established Do no miss

The first station of Nanjing Keywords: humanities, ancient
every city has the taste of its own. Nanjing River Stone City this is a long history and rich human culture and cultural achievements of the ancient capital of 6 dynasties, Nanjing solemn .
Nanjing Jinling also known, according to romance is the name of Nanking by Jinling Qin Gang Longwan in this north to the town of sovereign buried gas derived from gold. Wang Qi, Zhu Jin buried here. Almost very short-lived empire, and never forget the Nanjing Massacre, Nanjing, near to some of the temperament of the tragic. but it'd accumulated a multi-level Nanjing history, culture and historical sites. the city still holds the house without beam , Prince Zhaoming reading elements, the former residence of Wang Xie, Yuhuatai, Xiaoling, Ming city walls, Jiangnan Examination, Spirit Valley, Li Xiangjun House, Sun Yat-sen and other's diverse attractions. Southeast shaped triumphs, since ancient times, prosperous, many of the literati, intellect have inhabited this beautiful woman. long story to become history, condensed into a thick cloud of cigarette hanging over Nanjing. occasionally in the street to see Cheng Gelao Lane, the savant in such names, suddenly feel the past and now only separated by a distance narrow.
living in Nanjing, is the need for a little Yaxing. As Mr. Zhu Ziqing said, Nanjing, taste, cuddle and leisurely reverie cautiously. city is not colossal, but a lot of places to play. In Seimei's spring embark the Purple Mountain, happiness boating Mochou course, the rain started falling in the creek the weather front sat jimingsi of the plain room, drinking tea Mingqian rain, dingy green natural looking chart in front of deserted city, outdoor the city Dan Dan Yanbo Xuanwu Lake, it seems even more unforgettable. As for the spiritual temple of osmanthus, red leaves Qixiashan, Meihuashan plum, which is fixed every year living in Nanjing, the play project. Nanjing University, many, Jiangsu Province 11 University. Nanjing University campus greening common good, like a garden classic. especially with the Park Campus of Nanjing Normal University, formerly the personal gardens of Yuan Mei Qing Dynasty, is said to by Nanjing University and even large copper tripod front of the library are the same. This is because some universities such as Nanjing, Nanjing University, Nanjing University, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing Agricultural University was established in 1915 and so are the Central University of discrete out, to celebrate the origin, accordingly hurling a huge tripod 9 were on display among these schools. This cultural heritage can be seen in Nanjing.
second leg of the Beijing Key words: Beijing Spirit Air Academy < br> mention in Beijing, we will certainly muse of Tiananmen Square, Great Wall, as well as the globe watched the Olympics in 2008! In fact, really understand Beijing manner, not easy task, because contains also many words meaning, you need center to emotion. So I will lead the study tour in Beijing, the chief of sentiment! first arrived in Beijing, have to go look in has created Do not miss: Summer Palace is the imperial castle of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Garden, Garden in the history of the prestigious Chinese and alien; Palace 24 emperors had lived, is the Ming and Qing dynasties behind 542 years the palace, establishing great and solemn splendor, has demonstrated China the orthodox classic style and oriental style. Palace understood as the ! Beijing deserves to melodrama where there are many: the notable commerce hub Wangfujing, Xidan, Qianmen, the outstanding Panjiayuan antiques and so aboard. Beijing also phoned is the savory and vibrant place, can dine approximately anyone variety of cuisine in China and delicious food from nigh the world. Of course, Beijing can not just eat a educate and play, Tsinghua University, and Yan Yuan can not miss the park, wade where you will be capable to make the capital a sub-institution of the infected people of the gas. eyes closed thinking, mood distant , Tsinghua Park Complex in ancient times do not alteration. and let the scenic campus of Peking University Weiming Lake was undoubtedly known in the world, the official law of the significance of the North, it seems favor the Han to Tang Dynasty in China, in adding to its own inherent prettiness In increase, more has been concentrated into a character of cultural averaging. Weiminghu is the psyche of Peking University, Peking University is also soul of each home. Weiminghu very calm, she was lying peacefully in Yanyuan around undulating terrain and the formation of flat transfer of shore line will be favor a warm contour Weiminghu soft jade. lakeside Yang Liu Yiyi, airing streets, making her see even more indifferent to peace. Fengguowuhen, the water has suffered light sparkling lake circled along verdant trees, light yelabsent from spring, summer thick, golden autumn, 15 min after quarter alter, but the beauty does not convert lawful statute hh
ancient city in Beijing among the gathered The extensive human and natural assembly of many institutions of higher studying.
the third thigh of Hangzhou Keywords: South Jiangnan West Lake is good, tin no Yi Jiangnan.
Hangzhou Jiangnan landscape, as the culmination of many years in my mind stay. In the past Listen neighbor brought his sibling, Hangzhou, it is sure to bring a sweetheart to the city, because it is all poetry, full of pictorial, just listen to these words, I feel the South has become a graceful woman, from the Rainy out, like clove. confessed to Zhejiang University, is my aspiration to achieve. Zhejiang University has six campuses, the name of the six campuses are linked to water. Jade Chinese home mind the two most common words first, atmosphere of the deep. several times, I sat in a corner of the campus, voicelessly reading, full of dense air, water vapor, the plenary campus, the entire of Hangzhou city, are so quiet, peaceful, elegant. Hangzhou is one such place: you never go However, it will not feel strange, and set foot on this land, your heart will have to depict the feeling Zhang mm nobody another to mention, only gently asked loudly: ? vacant mountains Mongolia, it is. can enjoy its beauty, not my right one, early, and the West Lake will be full of boats, from bring ... to an endthe country and the world's tourists came, strewed teams, powerful rushed to the orders as coming from all directions. a little too much amusement. If a quiet night in to a man to a boat, boating lake, then it is a feeling of how merry ah. boat, the same quarters of the girl, authentic Hangzhou, West Lake, she was pointing to the scenery stunning. West Lake was formed in the Southern Song Dynasty, the elementary distribution of around the lake, some located on the lake: Su Di Chun Xiao, Qu Yuan Feng, Pinghu Moon on the Broken Bridge, Liulangwenying, Huagangguanyu, Lei Feng Sunset, Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds, Nanping Wanzhong, Santanyinyue. these names after four years of time, ink in my mind to narrate a landscape picture, nevertheless the color faint,toronto asian escort, but it is no longer lingering.
the fourth leg of Xi'an Keywords: history, culture
in my imagination, Xi'an and history, mores, civilization and other opener words are inseparable. When within the world's most charming city, and only in Xi'an. Xian and it represents the glorious history of the Chinese nation, to me, has a deadly attraction, Xi'an the monuments, including memorials Terracotta Warriors, Shaanxi Provincial Museum, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Cien Temple, Forest of Stone Tablets, the Daming Palace mars, Bell Tower, Drum Tower, etc.; around the Sui emperor Qin Wang Wangling there are so many monuments, any city can attempt. you stand in the city anywhere, can see the towering wall. Xi'an and China are so similar. Xi'an is the history of China's history, our group of wandering in the old days of life is passing, fly over through these renowned monuments, day thousand years of possibilities. Xian has a lot to hang entities. Xi'an University is no exception, you can see the remains of history: the North Gate of Xi'an Jiaotong University, is on the Imperial palace park, the Circular Mound, Shaanxi Normal University in the Sui and Tang, this high four eight-meter surround the altar, is the most divine place in Sui and Tang dynasties. Way back when the grand emperor adore of paradise, must impact the world scene threatened; Northwestern University, located just the most famous temples in the Tang Dynasty, one of the tangible site of the Temple, picking up on the campus of small stones, is likely to be Qin brick tile. campus even has its own museum, the exhibition within the campus cultural relics unearthed a city hh no collection of such a large area history. However, Xi'an not only belongs to history, her elapse is too glorious, confusing everyone's eyes. eyeful history course, such as flowers, can aid it or we are doing.
few words, endless charm of Xi'an. If you went to Xi'an, you can use a little four-year time enjoy the city. breeze Brightness Saturday evening, and three to five friends ride speeding in the streets, looking at a busy roadside video streamer fly, look out off the flashing lighted to see if this ancient walled city is how to nourish their own manner, in the conservation of the ancient city of style and now the rage between the green.
the fifth station of Dalian Keywords: Beach male Before the gas
to Dalian, I have not seen the sea, grew up in the Yangtze River, I grew up, ambition for the other side of the blue, the sea is in my mind the image of a beautiful and magnificent. When I came to Dalian, the first once stood in the sea, the kind of grand expansion of the heart to be joined to the degree. Haitao bursts, waves surging, a group of a group of seagulls flap the wings, I'll be like a poet, broke into read: the world's most the vast is the ocean!
Dalian University of Technology, situated in the southwest turn of Dalian, the sea. chief campus is a small plain, east, west, northwardly is among by mountains, south is the sea. It is value mentioning that there is a school quiet moderate tilt, and dozens of Western architectural style prefer build a small house here, this is a Fellow of residential schools Illustrious, every time I pass by secretly have in mind for their own fuel, I hope namely an daytime they can become an alma mater proud. live in, such as Dai's Castle under study in the birch forest at high. After banquet, send a few friends, walk south from the school main entry, half an hour can come to the beach, to enjoy that piece of an infinite deep blue. school not distant away, is the beauty of one of the Xinghai Bay in Dalian, the famous Xinghai Square also established here. Xinghai Square, the center stand, perched among the bustling modern metropolis, facing the ocean and Dayton There is a transcendent world, open-minded sensibility. The road to the sea by the square, in the Xinghai Bay swimming is different great pleasures in life. northerners alive relaxed, and love the sun. Therefore, during the sunny day, Xinghai Bay on the very active, people swimming, swimming, basking in the sunshine. in such a idle happiness, I feel a tiny morsel in adore with Dalian. In my eyes, Dalian is a metropolis of excellent masculinity , brighter than the light, there are deep sea, Juanxiu of Castle Peak, damp and full of sunshine in the ventilation, anything is so fresh and hearty. There are over 1 873 km of coastline, exquisite seafood, delicious, neat sand with water wonderful beach, a pleased flying yacht. beautiful, magnificent, beautiful sea, and mountains, wild Fang, Jia-Mu matched, Dalian has become a mythological fairy anecdote world.
belong to this land, there Dalian Maritime University, Dalian Jiaotong University, Northeast University of Finance, Dalian Medical University hh friendship in our apartment chamber at Northeastern University of Finance and is a girls bedroom, direction behind when, a group of young people, boys and daylight, hearty girl, at the coast roast, talk and smile , self-DV, it can truly Station of Chengdu Keywords: leisure food
Tianfu of always people would have been to Chengdu, Chengdu, relaxed sigh. Chengdu people live on the line at all times the blazing yo, so when you change the world still can not change the temperament of Chengdu relaxed comfort. In history the poet's eyes, since the Han and Tang China, Chengdu is the maximum cozy and relaxed urban living context. Chengdu, there are a rich heritage of living surroundings, including Du Fu Thatched Cottage,beijing escort, Temple, Wangjiang ground, Shu Tomb, Yongling, Sands and additional world-renowned cultural sites of ancient Shu. Huanhuaxi side of the Du Fu Thatched Cottage gave its digit of visitors stop to hang around, has long been in argue. Interestingly, the Thatched Cottage of Du Fu outside a stone picture, right thumb was tangible net light, presumably a visit of the absence of rhetorical training, who ambition to have some Reiki, it passed under the beautiful story.
Chengdu, leisure and food is the most meaningful trait of the tea house in Chengdu, as the café in Paris is the city landscape, the soul and way of life. full flavor of the tea is the favored accidental way, and typical traditional folk representations, you can enjoy this pleasant urban leisure brings. Chengdu to visit the nigh scenery is worth it too: approach Chengdu Xiling Snow Mountain, Qingcheng Mountain, Siguniangshan other is a summer resort, or to see the snow. peripheral also has Emei, Leshan Giant Buddha, Jiuzhaigou and other famous world level tourist destination, also exudes great temptation. to these attractions is not only lightly accessible by car ranging from 1 to 3 hours, and half-price tickets for all student ID, consumer not valuable, and able to enjoy the sunshine time is short, so the climate is pleasant, if you are a female, it would be more fortunate, you only need a few years studying in Chengdu, not cosmetics, skincare achieve can be effected. Sichuan 5 University building, 4 where the Chengdu: that, Sichuan University, Southwest Jiaotong University, Southwest University of Finance and University of Electronic Science and Technology. which most scenic and most cultural atmosphere of the number of non-Chuan Tai Mo. Walking through Sichuan Wangjiang campus, a kinds of classical atmosphere blowing mighty, magnificent authority building, red walls and black tiles, there is the very beginning of the century Qing Dynasty architectural style. Close your eyes, the heavy sense of an encroaching upon the heart of history. As and Sichuan have the same age , was founded in 1896, Southwest Jiaotong University, also got a great view. Emei campus buildings, particularly traditional and modern exist side by side, full of cultural atmosphere, the school area is not difficult to see towering old trees, occasionally also encountered in the Roadside foraging squirrels. The beauty of the scenery, the Ministry of Education appraisal specialists with the words, it is a beautiful campus of the world out of publish!
Eighth Station of Kunming Keywords: Spring City Folk
beautiful and colorful, rich Yunnan It is a treasure the southwest border, which the land is vast, eminent mountains, profuse resources, is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese country. Yunnan has 10 citizen scenic areas, 48 ​​provincial-level scenic blots. And as the Yunnan provincial capital Kunming, she The beauty is beyond words. as a countryman of Kunming, and I for a thorough understanding of Kunming. Kunming, mild air, summer heat and winter cold, spring and jolly weather, known as ;, Kunming, the air is fraught with seasonal flowers, fresh. every year in December to next March, groups of Black-headed Gull flee the chilly northern waters, Wanlitiaotiao from afar, living in Kunming city. You can see these lovely birds fly upon the Dianchi Lake, the shuttle being in the Stone Forest, docked at the top of the Western Hills of Kunming, not the summer heat hh replaced by a fresh. activating feeling will forever be with you in the Every day, everywhere. to Kunming Kunming, the feeling of people not merely for the jolly climate, but also enjoy a variety of reliable snacks: across the bridge noodle, barbecued flavor Dai, Bai, Kunming, blaze pig snacks brought together hh Yunnan ethnic minorities among the specialty, will taper the distance between you and ecology, as many snacks of raw materials are collected from ecology, you will taste the many natural cuisine. Nationalities in Kunming, Yunnan Province has 26 address. Yunnan colorful customs of assorted nationalities, is a living history exhibit. Kunming is the center of the museum. Water Festival, Arbor Day, Floral Festival, Torch Festival, mythology, epic poetry, disco, drawing, drama, ancient music and so did not dare matchless, deep and You Yuan, full of legendary, giving unparalleled sense of puzzle! Kunming, Yunnan Nationalities Village is a microcosm of the nation, was hailed as a sparkling blue, complains not be extinguished, and motions pivoting. the countryside were built by a 1:1 ratio of 26 ethnic groups of Yunnan villages. You can enjoy visiting the village in the scenery, enjoy the customs of ethnic minorities. walk in which people are wealthy in content and broad, fascinating and beautiful gardens, and warm and uncomplicated people.
Yunnan University is too developing in full sway, Yunnan University is a long history of schools, Yunnan University has eighty annuals of history, is the premier in western China comprehensive universities In 1996, Yunnan University, as . Yun university lake, very beauteous; Yun spring flowers are blooming, buzzing Splendor. at Kunming, Kunming University College there, Yunnan Normal University, Yunnan Agricultural University, Yunnan Nationalities University have each campus hh has its own specifics, but may benefit from the :
exotic seaboard charm in the Shandong Peninsula, in the red green trees blue sky studded with a beautiful coastal city of Qingdao mm. It has many attractions, a broad scope of historical and cultural heritage, preserved centuries Street, Ocean floor villa, full of sea, romantic Rhine and the beach quality sand, which established the colorful Chinese and Western ingredients, unique beautiful coastal city, known as Eastern and Western cultures in this blend, complement each other. studied modern Chinese history are aware, through the vicissitudes of modern Qingdao. which Qingdao is rich in cultural tourist attractions, left more than 20 countries and different styles of architecture, the formation of European-style cityscape. representative buildings such as the Admiral House, Admiral House, the Catholic Church, Christian Church and Colorado villa. Jiaodong can enjoy in the urban style of folk culture, in the suburbs can also view style of ancient cultural relics. to Qingdao to study tours, either enjoy the pleasant climate and beautiful scenery, but also in the watch crystal blend of Chinese and foreign cultural impact produced deep in thought and inspiration, why not you? Qingdao as well as Laoshan scenic area,nought to fortune, the local magnificent grand, scenery and straight, are not as famous as the mainland, like the ancients as spectacular! Eight foot is in the citizen granite walls, narrow windows decorated with beautiful relief pattern of Western-style, the mansion still intact to keep the aboriginal layout pattern, appeared either simple and aesthetic, and exotic hh Ocean University has three campuses: Fish Hill, Lau Fau Shan and Laoshan. Laoshan is immediately the main campus, but the fish, the most beautiful mountain landscape, from the sea recently. In the evening, the aroma of grilled seafood filled the air, so that you can not aid but salivate hh Ocean University's Many famous writers, such as Lao She, Liang, Shen and Wen, and so have taught at the University of Qingdao (Ocean University's predecessor), the school famous attractions: the duo House the northwest corner, belted to the vines on the walls, heavy beating the historical vicissitudes. campus towering gigantic trees, flowers and trees flourish, the campus is surrounded by fish Hill, Eight Mountain, Signal Hill around, this is certainly the ideal mend Postgraduate students the congratulated land. In addition, there are Qingdao University, Qingdao, Qingdao University, Qingdao Science and Technology University, the sea's sake, these institutes and universities are full of sea air of the vast width of

subserve afforestation and ecological protection

Special fund is chiefly accustom for green establishing,toronto asian escort, promote afforestation and ecological protection, amend the living surroundings. According apt reports, Ting Mei advocating To promote harmonious evolution between male and nature ,toronto escorts, Yushu green ecological context for help .5 19 to 21 at Shanghai United States during the fair ,toronto escorts, Tingmei adore adore walls stickers affixed , Ting Mei Ting Mei will donate 2 million to a special fund account for the construction of ecological environment in Yushu . In the United States Fair site , Ting Mei 's public service activities hinted a lot of catch on observers .
signing the scene in the special fund ,shanghai massage, Tingmei side said that in the future
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May 24 TV interview, Li-Xiang Wang, director of the chief administration after the earthquake ten deadly threat

earthquake, the aftershocks, numerous corpses, the wounded gathered, moist climate, poor environment, pathogenic elements everywhere. Whether the victims in distress or liberate of the liberate crew courageously, if not strengthen the ward and tin lightly be lurking approximately the aggression of pathogenic microorganisms. According to the earthquake emergency emancipate group membership medicinal team to invest the tangible location of the front, the intended summary of ten big criminal, and response measures tin be fatal.
first fatal bleeding from the taint, as well as the human skin harm, caught the banner add free plug packaged. does not kas long asthe taint contains large amounts of bacteria and viruses, the most deadly is tetanus prone. visually complicated to discriminate the tetanus bacteria enters the wound, and lack of appropriate treatment, will be outrageous in the anaerobic environment, growth and reproduction, loosen large amounts of tetanus toxin. In 2004, Indonesia's tsunami disaster medical treatment, many infected with tetanus toxoid 10 days after the disaster was carried into the hospital, Although they do not have a big wound, but the aggregation of tetanus toxin in their bodies directly on the central nervous system, medical staff can only see as the survivors fled the earthquake and tsunami killed by the disease of life. how to prevent tetanus after harm it? Tetanus bacteria are anaerobic bacteria, the more closed the wound, the more susceptible to infection. in the event of harm, treatment should be divided into four steps: ① cleaning the wound, without hydrogen peroxide, and other professional disinfection proxies, wash water should be chosen. ② open wound to stop bleeding after not closed the wound. ③ help as soon as possible to find a doctor, tetanus antitoxin or tetanus immune globulin and other special treatment.
second fatal will be met by waste water, industrial waste, sewage and decaying bodies of serious pollution. water biological quality feud may cause cholera, typhoid, diarrheal diseases, hepatitis A, hepatitis and schistosomiasis, leptospirosis, etc. disease; aquatic insect can cause malaria, dengue fever, onchocerciasis, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, guinea worm disease and other diseases; water quality inconsistency may be caused by a kind of chemical poisoning occur. drinking measures: ① If there is no pure water in search of water to nectar, you should attempt to choose water from deep wells, emulated by the spring. ② identification of water quality by biological, chemical and other proper method to determine water quality, and indicate the time of acquisition, nail the content of such sites. ③ can not make sure the source of purification and disinfection of the water should first nude eye whether the muddy water, select a clean napkin or nice sand and other prefatory filtration, sedimentation, and then add bleach as disinfectants; most vulnerable to earthquake be the most important step is to boil drinking water. Make sure to drink boiled water, put an end to drink unboiled water, avoid the It is spring and summer when the snake out. Ten of the land of the most common poisonous snakes in Sichuan have 4-6 species. because the epicenter is situated in the mountains, snake infested. houses collapsed, the victims and rescue personnel are living in tents , or even sleeping on the ground's clothing. to prevent the snake bombards, thigh cuffs bound to pay attention, sleep as much as possible not to sleep on the ground, not close the wall. snake bites the performance of different: (a) the representation of neurotoxic injury: local wound Numbness, wastage of feeling, or only mild itching. wound apparent bulging, bleeding much, about half an hour after the injury,, feel dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, spewing and weakness. There severe difficulty swallowing, voice Sima, aphasia, ptosis and diplopia. Finally, there may be trouble in breathing, blood pressure and impact, leadership to hypoxia, cyanosis, disability. if not promptly rescue the respiratory and circulatory failure in the ultimate, the patient can be rapidly fatal. neurotoxicity absorbed fast, dangerous, for of mild local omens are often ignored. impaired attach the first 1-2 days of danger, once this conversion time, the symptoms can immediately turn for the better, and heal without leaving whichever sequelae. (b) the extravaganza of blood poisoning injury: rapid swelling of the local bite, and continue to the proximal evolution, wound pain, bleeding. the skin around the wound or Xuepao often accompanied by blisters, subcutaneous ecchymosis and tissue death. nationwide severe systemic bleeding, such as subconjunctival bleeding, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis, and hematuria and so on. chest will emerge in the individual patient, abdominal bleeding and intracranial hemorrhage, leading to hemorrhagic shock. patients with brain and tail Ho, nausea , spewing and diarrhea, joint pain and high fever. because the symptoms appeared earlier, generally more timely treatment, so the death rate may be lower than neurotoxic injury patients. but because of acute attack, duration of more permanent, so the danger period is longer, treatment of the serious consequences of too late. cured often left local and visceral complications. (c) the performance of mingled noxious injury: both neurotoxic and blood poisoning symptoms. was after the snake bite emergency treatment measures: ① resistance off, as soon as possible a large blood container in the wound at the altitude of the caning, to prevent the toxicity of the blood behind into the heart. ② wash, wash the wound with superfluity of water surface repeatedly. ③ suction out toxins. to pay special attention to sucking jaws, if lip skin have damaged or mouth ulcers, will quickly absorb the spread of toxins, so as far as possible with plastic membrane for covering the wound in between the lips and then to suck. You can also sword to slit open the wound, squeeze blood toxins. ④ rapidly quest medical alms, injection of antivenom. ⑤ scamper or do strenuous discipline is strictly deterred, so as not to quicken the blood flow, leading to poisoning deepened.
fourth fatal mouse will return to the address. houses collapsed and buried after a lot of food for rats to establish rewarding conditions for breeding, breeding of mice carrying a large number of germs, diseases, rodents are the media beneath state of emergency, host and adverse animals, rodents are with pathogens, is not only a annoy, as well as epidemic hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis, local typhus, Lassa fever and other 34 kinds of pathogens. present with particular attention to prevention and treatment of epidemic hemorrhagic fever, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, also known as renal hemorrhagic fever, a typical case of the cardinal clinical declarations were fever, bleeding and kidney damage. The disease is natural foci of rodent-borne human viral diseases. murine virus rate with increased opportunity to increase exposure in rodents, increased during epizootic , people in close contact with rats, resulting in the prevalence of the disease. eating through the food Kenshi rodents may also be infected with for the spread of animal origin, it is due to contact with the virus and the host of infected animals and their excreta. respiratory tract is the main path of transmission of the disease, Apodemus 10 days after infection, their saliva, urine and feces began to virus unload, urine detox long time. with virus excretion in aerosol form, inhaled through the respiratory tract can cause disease in humans, especially after the earthquake collapsed, densely populated greatly increase the accidents of disease transmission, especially should pay attention to the respiratory tract isolation. short after the earthquake rodent, rodent control is mandatory.
fifth malignant a large digit of mosquito breeding will not merely result in additional mosquito density, merely too cause mosquitoes to human beings the opportunity to amplify. be caused at the mosquito-borne diseases increased occurrence of momentous causes. of special note, ought draw attention to the pestilence has entered the beta Encephalitis tall season, the sufferers of the earthquake in maximum children, is a important disease susceptible population, especially kid elderly 2-6 the highest incidence of human bites of mosquitoes carry the virus, most probable to spread malaria and epidemic B encephalitis. In 2006, Indonesia after the earthquake, the 1st eruption occurred is malaria. mosquito converge above dining as many for feasible in the nets while sleeping, alternatively aboard bare skin by the applied anti-mosquito lotion or syrup. ① hiding exterminate mosquito propagating in mars after the earthquake, litter filth, lavatories, water pipes, etc. is a hotbed of mosquito breeding, to strengthen basic health facilities, a wide range of environmental health conditions enhance, the waste, sewage and garbage management to mainly make sound . ② manner to annihilate mosquitoes by using one integrated chemical, physical, biological, environmental and additional control means ought be accustomed to regional conditions after the earthquake, stereo circle and abolish. ③ nature maintenance specialists do not occupy the mosquitoes dragonflies, frogs and spiders, lizards, bats and so above is the natural enemy of mosquitoes, is recognized as a skilled pesticides. earthquake of folk they have to be protected.
sixth fatal human and animal bodies were buried in the rubble, there are a lot of edible and other alphabetical substances. in warm weather conditions, these alphabetical compounds will soon corrupt, easy to dry flies provided the conditions of G students. Thus, Tangshan earthquake as big as the earthquake break, often in a very short time a surprising number of adult flies appeared, posing a serious threat to dwellers in disaster areas. flies is an important media of intestinal infectious diseases, many microbes can survive in the long in vitro, whether the flies to support the contaminated secretions, excretions, and other items go to lick and suck the causative organism is threaten to spread to vulnerable populations. bacterial food poisoning occurred in the summer, caused by bacterial contamination of food mainly a disease with sensitive gastroenteritis diseases. The most common type of pollution for the Salmonella. ① seize the opportunity to kill adult flies and larvae. ② eradication of flies breeding ground for garbage, sewage, dung and other harmless to realistically accomplish treatment. ③ Fly activities systematized and implemented the integrated use of chemical, physical, biological, environmental, and other methods to form three-dimensional surround and annihilate the fly, so no place to hide. ④ protecting the natural enemies of frogs flies, spiders, lizards, bats and so are the natural enemies of flies, fly eradication of these animals are our allies, should be protected. disaster in the make of flies and fly disinfestation of the work, pay attention to not eat the best left-over food, not eating food and shield arsenal.
seventh fatal death 24 to 30 hours, the body per gram of tissue and per milliliter of tissue liquid including the total number of bacteria 300 million to 350 million. corpse pathogenic micro-organisms spread of way primarily as follows: instantly jeopardize rescue laborers, indirectly defile the environment and even to the mourners with to physical and psychological injury. body treatment is especially important, should grip the principles of handling dead bodies: ① early treatment as early as possible the body was discovered. ② rigid disinfection and separation with body bags. ③ buried distant away from water sources and residential areas, and do deep buried. ④ adjoin with the body of the staff to dress disguises, mittens and protective clothing. ⑤ implementation of the corpses were buried, to rigorous disinfection of always clothing and supplies. ⑥ advocate funeral to say goodbye to the portrait, to guard against possible secondary pollution in funeral .
eighth fatal a survivor. rescuers to do psychological counseling to prevent the survivors of pain, causing psychological risks. In addition to not take the initiative to ask as many as possible about the quiver survivors and relatives of the circumstance scenario, should also adviser the survivors: ① vent. Do not stop the survivors call, but as far as possible the internal anguish through his tears, and other ways to vent out approximately complaints. ② ease. You can touch, embrace, etc. to send more security-friendly access to the survivors a sense of security, and with a mild variety of language to encourage him. ③ transfer. through the normal meals, repose period, to encourage reading, the sun, listening to melody in many ways the attention of those who spread grief, woe and even guide the go as soon as possible to help others. ④ addressed. through a definite psychological counseling and comfort, encouraging those who face life grief, to face life.
ninth fatal fractures in patients with early loaded with important therapeutic tread is plaster nailed measures; both limbs need to restrict activities. does not know the brake deserving to the long bed, regional blood flow, intravascular thrombosis extremely slow, it will presently fall off as the blood flow, causing fatal pulmonary embolism. Therefore, after fracture abatement and fixation of patients to vigorous or passive limb action. For instance, a broken arm, you can let work ---- ------ fist by fist method activities to promote blood flow and discourage thrombosis. In adding to vigorous knead, Taigaohuanzhi prefer of blood return.
tenth fatal risky course. in a couple of unwashed hands can be detected in 45 million to several millions of bacteria, along to statistics, fewer than handled indirectly transmit dozens of diseases. submissively to disburse tribute to lest toxins, germs spread every other. in the affected places absence way to clean water when cleaning and disinfectants to dwindle the handshake can greatly dwindle the hazard of disease displacement. Currently, contagious diseases remain the world's highest incidence, paralysis caused by human and cause of decease. According to WTO reports, the 48 most mutual disease, almost 40 species belonging to contagious diseases, the number of patients of the aggregate incidence of 85%, and new catching diseases are still emerging. the message namely comes after a calamity with the quite solemn outbreak, the handshake namely today's most common, the highest frequency of use of public etiquette, from the prevention of infectious diseases in the sense that, especially in the big earthquake disaster today, should think a alteration. In 2003, during SARS, Beijing Mayor Wang Qishan to take the lead, said: ; today we do not jolt hands, and to hand over owe respect of.


tin be again used

[1] Song Hua, HU Zuo Hao. Modern logistics and supply shackle management [M]. Beijing: Economic Management Press, 2000.
(1) to carry out joint distribution: a common distribution (Jointdistribu tion) means the number of syndicate implementation of the distribution activities. together several small and medium sized distribution centers, a local department of fatigue on the distribution of clients, it mainly refers to a region of the small number of buyers require the use of goods vehicles is not fully loaded, distribution vehicle utilization not higher position. mutual distribution can be divided into the joint distribution as the main owner and the logistics enterprises as the main two types of joint distribution. From the perspective of shippers, via the joint distribution can improve the logistics efficiency. If those small wholesale, whether their distribution more laborious to meet the retailer batch, small batch delivery requirements. and to take joint distribution, delivery can achieve a small amount of distribution, receiver of the goods can be unified inspection, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the level of logistics services; from logistics enterprises point of view, particularly in some small logistics corporation, due to fiscal, human resources, management, constraints, transport less, low efficiency, the use of numerous vehicles, unattended compact business, rationalization and efficiency in the logistics restricted. If co-operation, a common distribution, the fund-raising, majority cargo, through the information network to improve vehicle utilization and other issues may be a better solution. Therefore, the joint distribution can maximize personnel, materials, money, time and other resource use efficiency, to obtain most economic benefits. At the same time, to clear excess across transport, and made to ease traffic and environmental protection social benefits.
[4] Lin Jingsong, Zhong Wei Xi. Reflections on the development of green logistics [J]. Logistics, 2002, (8).
Green Logistics (Environmental logistics) is the inhibition of logistics in the logistics process, when mar to the environment, to achieve the purification of the logistics environment, so that logistics resources can be most fully utilized. As the environment the deepening deterioration of resources, the development of a threat to human survival and the greater, so people use the environment and the increasing emphasis on environmental protection, development of modern logistics must give priority to environmental issues, from environmental point of outlook need to improve the logistics system of the need to form a symbiotic environment for the logistics management systems. Such logistics management system built on the livelihood of global environment and sustainable development, based on alterations in the elemental development and logistics, consumer direction of life and the role of logistics relationships, the inhibition of the logistics of harm to the environment in the meantime, the formation of a client tin promote the healthy development of economic and logistics systems, that green logistics transformation. Thus, the modern green logistics management accentuated the global and long-term interests, emphasizing the full range of environmental concerns, reflecting the corporate green picture, is a new trall over logistics management.
green packaging is used to save resources, protect the environment packaging. green packaging reach are: to promote the production departments as simple as possible, as well as biodegradable materials by the into the packaging; in circulation, should take measures to appliance the rationalization and modernization of packaging:
1 green transportation management
1 source management have occurred: the chief logistics process is the source of environmental problems arising from the management. As the logistics activities of the growing and distribution services development, caused in transit transport vehicles additional, will inevitably lead to massive steam additional pollution. You can take the emulating measures on the incidence of source control: development of appropriate environmental regulations on emissions and the vehicles were restrictions; take measures to promote the use of vehicles meet the constraints; the increasing use of low pollution vehicles; on the vehicle noise restrict. China since the late '90s began to strengthen the control of pollution sources, such as air pollution loosened in Beijing for the two-stage dispose goals, not only for new production vehicles adult strict eruption standards, and governance in the transformation with the vehicle in the same time encourage more updated vehicles, to impede the routing to amplify the frequency of vehicle detection, according to the volume of sewage expel fares collected measures After dispose of vehicles, to reduce pollutant emissions from large.
Second, how to implement the Green Logistics Management
3 green circulation processing
(b) of the Enterprise Green logistics management
(3) packaging and extra time, reiterated use and handling of waste packaging: general packaging accustomed without special preparations for the return of use; using flow packaging, can be again accustom, such as drinks, malt bottles; waterfall utilization of the packaging afterward the first use, with complete conversion as it is treated with a easy diversion or use it; of packaging waste by recycling processing, conversion to other uses or production of new materials.
(c) Ecological Ethics
(a) Sustainable Development < br> (2) large-scale packaging and containers of: nice logistics system in the handling, removal, storage, transportation and additional mechanical processes, build up the operating speed of these correlates will help reduce element packaging, packaging materials and packaging price savings , help defend the cargo body. such as the use of containers, container bags, dishes and additional container means.
a green logistics theory
Green Logistics Management as the sustainable economic development today one major chapter of the economy development and promotion of the quality of life is premonitory, whether the relevant government divisions alternatively the business community, should strengthen its logistics management, and go together to build the structure for the development of green logistics.
[3] Liu. Modern Logistics Manual [M]. Beijing: China Material Press, 2001.
Abstract: With economic development, environmental degradation, a deeper level, as part of economic activities, logistics activities are facing an environmental problem and needs from an environmental perspective to improve the logistics system, the formation of Green logistics management system, is the 21st century, new trends in logistics management. This paper analyzes the empirical basis of the three green logistics, and from the angle of the government and enterprises to implement various green measures in logistics management.
ecological economics is the process of forgery, economic systems and ecological systems of the material cycle, energy transition and the merit joined rule and application of science. logistics is an important part of the process of social reproduction, either including material recycling, energy conversion, and expensive transformation and value comprehension. Therefore, the logistics contained in the two systems of economic and ecological environment, of lesson, put up the link between economic and ecological benefits of the bridge. The traditional logistics management did not deal with the relationship, also many emphasis on the economic benefits, while ignoring the environmental benefits, resulting in a decline in society as a entire benefits. economic benefits primarily related to the present and local interests, and environmental benefits are related to the macro-and long-term interests. the emergence of the modern green logistics, has solved this publish. green logistics to the general principles of economics as a adviser to nature, based on the logistics of economic play, economic narratives and decree and the relationship between eco-systems research, to seek the ecological equilibrium, economic rationality, technologically progressive ecological and environmental conditions, the best composition and coordination of the development.
ecological ethics in the logistics process to force people to environmental problems caused by deep reflection, thereby creating a mighty social sense of duty and liabilities. In order to better health and safety of human creatures to survive and develop, to the vital interests of future generations, human beings should be conscientiously maintain ecological balance. This is the time given to us not avoid responsibility, but also the rights of human nature deserving and obligations. Green Logistics is got from the ecological ethics moral advocate.
Waste Logistics (Wastemateriallogistics) means the loss of their economic activity in the use value of the items, according to the substantial needs of the collection, assortment, processing, packaging, handling, storage, and distribution to the specialized treatment facility for physical campaign of goods was formed. Waste is the role of logistics, ignoring the value of the object or object property is not re-use value, only from the environmental beginning to incineration of chemical treatment or transported to specific positions stacked and buried. reduce waste logistics, need to re-use of resources (recycling after use), recycling (processed into raw materials for the new use), this should include the establishment of a production, circulation and consumption of waste recycling systems. To achieve this, companies can not only consider their own logistics efficiency, but prefer from the plenary production, supply and the vision to mobilize the supply chain, logistics, and with this supply chain Management must also consider the further development of waste recycling logistics. the management of logistics to chase the counterparty, realization of benefits of the common; the pursuit of supply chain logistics flow from production to consumption of entire of the benefits; cycle logistics from production to disposal should be pursued efficiency of the whole process of entities, this is the 21st century green logistics management an important issue solved.
from an environmental point of view, the future mass production, mass expense, the outcome will inevitably lead to a lot of waste generated, although a digit of measures have been taken expedite the control of waste elimination and waste logistics, but in general, there is still a lot of waste on society had a solemn negate clash, leadership to difficulties in waste elimination, and will lead to the depletion of social resources and natural resources aggravate. Therefore, the logistics activities of the 21st centenary must be profitable to the forcible use of resources and the maintenance of the global environment.
3 ashore traffic flow management: Government has put in the applicable asset to establish the city center of ring roads, development of regulations on road parking ; take measures to achieve vehicle control system modernization; carry out the development of road and rail exchange. to dilute traffic congestion, improve distribution efficiency and achieve environmental protection objectives.
2 green packaging management
(3) to amplify the first Tripartite Logistics: Third Party Logistics (Thirdpartylogistics) is a supply-side and demand-side other than the provision of logistics services logistics enterprises do business. the development of third gathering logistics, specializing in the logistics business from these companies for the supply-side or demand side, the provision of logistics services, from a higher perspective, a broader consideration of the rationalization of logistics, streamline distribution sectors, the rational transportation is advantageous in a broader range of logistics resources, logical use and allocation of funds to avoid sending its own occupation of the logistics transport efficiency is low, and distribution appearances of cumbersome, increasing the burden on enterprises, increasing urban pollution problems. when some big cities much saturated vehicle delivery, making the emergence of vocational logistics enterprises in the cities vehicles reduced, thus easing the logistics the oppression on urban environmental pollution. In addition, enterprises should also adopt various means of transport save resources, reduce pollution and the environment as the power of raw materials, such as the use of liquefied petroleum gas, solar power as an urban transport; or respond to the Government's call to more and more the upgrading of transport.
[5] Wang-tai. Modern Logistics [M]. Beijing: China Material Press, 1995.
distribution processing (Distributionprocessing) refers to the goods from the maker to the use of land process, according to a need to impose packaging, segmentation, calculation, arranging, gathering, to disburse the cost stickers, labels pay, commodity inspection and other simple operations in general. distribution processing has strong production, circulation department of environmental protection is much can be done districts. green flow processing includes two steps: First, converge on changing consumer processing for the professional processing, the size of practices to improve resource use efficiency, reduce environmental pollution. such as providing services for centralized processing of food to reduce family dispersion caused by cooking energy and air pollution; the second is to converge on consumer processing of scrap materials generated in order to reduce the scatter of consumers waste processing caused by the pollution, such as the circulation department of the centralized processing of vegetables can reduce the spread residents put litter processing and corresponding environmental governance.
sustainable development method no merely apt encounter the needs of the present without compromising the hereafter generations apt meet their needs the ability to process a threat to international environmental and evolution In 1987 the Commission promulgated Future surroundings. This economic plan too applies to the sustainable evolution of the logistics management activities. As the logistics process inevitably consumes energy and resources, cause environmental pollution, and thus to achieve long-term, sustainable development, we must take various amounts to preserve natural environment. modern green logistics management is the basis as sustainable development theory, the formation of the logistics and the environment mutually supportive relationship among the improvement and constraints, accordingly contributing to the development of modern logistics, and logistics to effect a symbiotic environment.
(b) Ecological economics
2 volume of traffic management: role of the government's guiding role in promoting the business of car transport from trucks to transport into business; encourage enterprises to select the right mode of transport, development of a common distribution; Government co-ordinating the logistics center construction; build a modern logistics management information network, which ultimately benefits of logistics, in particular SMEs to improve logistics efficiency. Through these measures to reduce the flow of merchandise, mainly exclude the staggered transport, ease traffic congestion conditions, to improve transport of goods efficiency.
[2] Zhang Duo, Zhou Jianqin. Logistics Management [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2002.
(4) development of current packaging materials and packaging equipment: development trends, packaging The high functional materials, with less stuff to achieve a variety of packaging functions.
Key words: green logistics; green transport; green packaging; Green Distribution Processing
(1) Packaging modular: to resolve the basis of size of pack criterion, that is, modular package. Package module standard is decisive, a variety of productions into the rotation will be required at the module provides the size of packaging. modular accumulation of packaging in favor of small packaging, the use of vessel and pallet, plate. packing module, such for energy and warehousing facilities, transmission facilities, standardization of module sizes, yet also aid transport and warehouse, in order to achieve the rationalization of the logistics system.
garbage management logistics to subserve green logistics in increase to reinforcing administration, we must also attach magnitude to the advocacy of civil green logistics, green commerce enhance their sense of activity to the character of corporations in environmental protection, creating a self-based logistics management system.
(2) to compound persistent system Transportation: Composite invariable system of transport (Combinedtransportation) is drawn railway, car, warships, aircraft and other strengths of the elementary mode of transport, organically join them, the implementation of multi-link, multi-zone, multi-link with each other for goods transport vehicles a way. This mode of transport links to the container as a common media of various tools, play a role in promoting straight transport intricate. To this end, loading tools, and package size requirements must be standardized. the full use of containers and other packaging form, can reduce the packaging expenses, reduce cargo damage during transport, freight shortage. complicated system of transportation has forever been the convenience of also in: it overcomes the shortcomings inherent in a unattached mode of transport to assure the overall transport process optimization and efficiency of; the other hand, from the logistics channels of view, it effectively solve the geography, climate, infrastructure and other commodity market conditions caused by inconsistencies in the production and sale of space, time of detachment, and promote near integration between the production and marketing and the effective functioning of production and action.
(a) The Government's green logistics management