
collaborative working apt make Earth a friend

Chapter resources + labor + relations
people on the planet asset are not difficult, but by the earth's predatory and deceptive complicated it. All the things on the earth can be summed up as: resources + labor + interpersonal relationship.
resource attribute issues, is to persist to plunder each other alternatively sharing?
labor rights and obligations of the Earth, you need the protection of the rule of statute.
result of labor resources in the form of alteration, Earth people can enjoy a thing, and now the habit of known commodities. or can be called wealth.
the delivery of wealth generated demand for money and labor cooperation, the Earth people need financial system.
the role of money issued requirements Earth common money, unified currency in real terms in the earth's contract. earth nature of the contracts for all people to enjoy the earth to publish currency! issue currency is one of momentous rights people on earth.
When people see by a planet What is the earth with another relationship, not difficult to find the relationship between people resources will forever be the relationship between each other. Sadly, the earth from the to this daytime! curious thing is why not select people on earth are partners are friends, relatives?
1 resource pillaging distinct historical era
earth history, in fact, the history of a struggle for resources. Its The outcome is hundreds of thousands of lives painted map of the world today. in the fashion of rivalry is the largest human-made calamity s mm war!
1.2 minority is a typical sample.
U.S. oil merchant in fair ten years to occupy the U.S. Ninety percent of oil resources.
Let us look at some history: in 1972 the multinational oil price is $ 2.39 barrel in 1974 was 12.3 greenbacks a barrel, is 5.15 times in 1972! is 1970's 8.8 times, some appreciation of almost pure profit! Now the worldwide oil price has kick $ 147 a barrel disc. minority share of resources has approached astronomical benefits.
while most countries are to receive the lacking resources of near-zero obligation to control the resources.
1998 41 yuan in China's Shanxi coal a tons, in 2000 began apt heave in 2002, rose apt 300-400 yuan a ton. The spend namely merely 60. A coal boss told reporters: object is apt calculate the money, the number of money! one. a manganese foreman is introduced to journalists this way: 2002 years antecedent, manganese 150 yuan / ton in 2003, 300 yuan / ton in 2004, 450 yuan / ton. but no mining costs 60 yuan / ton . the foreman himself tiring than the miners, from a.m. to night take a few extra than 40 million in money. It is reported that the amount of manganese mineral is now long quondam the thousand jot was.
1.3 times the sharing of resources even if you
an alien to ask: Who owns the earth? the respond certainly is: of course, belongs to earth!
Yes, the foreigner that is not their mistake! world belongs to the world! belongs to each human ashore world! each human above earth are the masters of the earth!
earth is my home!
Earth is your home!
Earth is his home!
earth is her home!
Earth is the Earth's home! who shared our home planet!
common home to earth to convert partners!
collaborative working to make Earth a friend!
weddings of all ethnic groups who become relatives of the earth!
Earth In adding to the harmonious coexistence of people have not additional choice!
people on earth need to set up a resource management committee to manage the resources of the earth. the land has a resource management committee of all the resources from the economy system, resource fee charges. earth resource behalf sharing.
resource fee for each planet from a part of the earnings of the servant of employment to nourish social order, according to the the accustomed of earth called the government does not stuff. every global resource fee inget cracking a portion in the show, this is not the best portion of the cost referred to as a servant's wages, to the maid to buy some of the essential tools, and nothing more. Of lesson not discriminate against the servant, the servant in order to eliminate discrimination against, people on earth need for legislation to defend everyone's servant to do for some time serving others,shanghai escort!
each Earth First, one landlord of a resource, emulated by a laborer.
workmen to participate in the same labor as the Olympic Games, according to decisive rules to partake in labor, not only the medalist will be respected and all laborers are to be esteemed.
advantage of resource sharing:
First, the eradication of combat.
sharing out the subject matter of the war,shanghai escort, the human is not the thing of plunder, and war vanish surely. When resources are shared and deeply rooted habits based human rights After the earth and then look behind today, will feel the earth now how foolish people and preposterous. resource-sharing later the massive military costing is not necessary, and that asset will improve life for all.
s Second, the disposal of the economic crisis.
regardless of the interpretation of the economic crisis the number of category is the fundamental reason for the unfair distribution. unfair distribution from two aspects, one is a minority share of the cost-effectiveness; the second is between people cheat each other. sharing resources to solve at fewest half,rice and Articles of Association apt obey with the 5 lasting members, and the other half is from birth to the fiscal system with a fooling gene.
third, entirely out of the unemployment embarrassment.
either parties panic of unemployment, while the Government's burden. The relief of the unemployed is a liberalness, is an insult.
after the sharing of resources, relief, livelihood rations, therapeutic assurance, minimum wage and the favor were all obliterated. even the people in order to cope with serious cancer of the disaster, but likewise insurance as long as the establishment of a serious illness can dispel the fear of the people ill.
current trend of unemployment is serious, not only advances in technology increasing the efficiency of labor, and the automaton era has quietly arrived!. There savants predicted: 20% of the world future society able-bodied workers to be competent to generate global products need to be living.
Fourth, the labor is more pure, cleaner wealth.
going under resource sharing Compensation will be neat, fewer polluted today.
fifth, to disburse for all government employment, highlighting the nature of government services.
sixth, after the sharing of resources, employment better,shenzhen escort, then employment indicators will be the inverse now thatemployment in as little as likely.
Seventh, the sharing of resources to lay the root for a harmonious society.
the relationship among resource sharing will be laying people as partnerships. everybody caring as the earth. entire attention about the earth. In particular, China's large population, urban-rural twin framework of the position can solve the problem once,beijing massage, greatly cultivate the fairness index.

