
real shot】 【Suzhou Humble Administrator's Garden crowds

Ching Ming Festival this year, their participation in Dalian, a meaningful public service activities - the second , Dalian City, Wildlife Conservation Society, Tiger Beach Ocean Park,ambition voluntarily and happily, Tiger Beach Polar Museum co-sponsored the initiative. On the daytime there were from 500 kid and parents love the household participated in the event, Tiger Beach Ocean Park, 200 kg of specially arranged bait free to partake in the activities of the community. In adding, almost a thousand people spontaneously added the activities of love, with fish, bread, cake crumbs and other sea birds feeding to Tiger Beach surrounding waters, feeding low hovering close more than a thousand gulls, thousands of birds flying to appreciate the spectacular. Dalian, more than a thousand people and the gulls circling by cheap height, in the United States Tiger Beach compose a agreeable song.
【1】 In recent years, Tiger Beach Ocean Park, Tiger Beach Polar Museum in order to enhance Month
【2】 虎滩 Bay dredging since 2008 has been the Bay water quality and circling environment have been greatly cultivated, three alternatively 4 months each year will attract a large number of seabirds come to fared up to 2,000 while the only break.
【3】 activities the scene, Tiger Beach Ocean Park shore offshore.
【4】 Tiger Beach Park, the beach zone is restricted, many folk have spontaneously come to the activities of the other side.
【5】 3-4 months each annual,beijing escort, Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park will preoccupy great mathematics of seabirds come to lair, forage as food. This year in March, the number has risen apt extra than 2,000 birds only. Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park in April has been designated as ; seabirds Protection Month Dalian has chance amateur photographers movement chance to give their babies for the conservation of sea birds, love of nature pedagogy.
【9】 accident, babies are small fish, who took over from the staff, with the aid of the dad and mommy, with the best gas darted the ventilation. has long been coming and wait for the waters near the beach, sea birds circling the sky namely quickly publish a camel delight fragile sounds. the accustomed of waving his jaws Xianzhu atmosphere wings fish, and then fly down the water slowly slow access.
【10】 humans are living in an ecological imbalance, environmental pollution, the latent crisis of the earth, yet too is in an ecological and environmental degradation to the virtuous cycle by the change in phase, should miss this cornering point, the person will lose to solve ecological and environmental problems the last opportunity,beijing massage, the consequences would be catastrophic.
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