
tin be again used

[1] Song Hua, HU Zuo Hao. Modern logistics and supply shackle management [M]. Beijing: Economic Management Press, 2000.
(1) to carry out joint distribution: a common distribution (Jointdistribu tion) means the number of syndicate implementation of the distribution activities. together several small and medium sized distribution centers, a local department of fatigue on the distribution of clients, it mainly refers to a region of the small number of buyers require the use of goods vehicles is not fully loaded, distribution vehicle utilization not higher position. mutual distribution can be divided into the joint distribution as the main owner and the logistics enterprises as the main two types of joint distribution. From the perspective of shippers, via the joint distribution can improve the logistics efficiency. If those small wholesale, whether their distribution more laborious to meet the retailer batch, small batch delivery requirements. and to take joint distribution, delivery can achieve a small amount of distribution, receiver of the goods can be unified inspection, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the level of logistics services; from logistics enterprises point of view, particularly in some small logistics corporation, due to fiscal, human resources, management, constraints, transport less, low efficiency, the use of numerous vehicles, unattended compact business, rationalization and efficiency in the logistics restricted. If co-operation, a common distribution, the fund-raising, majority cargo, through the information network to improve vehicle utilization and other issues may be a better solution. Therefore, the joint distribution can maximize personnel, materials, money, time and other resource use efficiency, to obtain most economic benefits. At the same time, to clear excess across transport, and made to ease traffic and environmental protection social benefits.
[4] Lin Jingsong, Zhong Wei Xi. Reflections on the development of green logistics [J]. Logistics, 2002, (8).
Green Logistics (Environmental logistics) is the inhibition of logistics in the logistics process, when mar to the environment, to achieve the purification of the logistics environment, so that logistics resources can be most fully utilized. As the environment the deepening deterioration of resources, the development of a threat to human survival and the greater, so people use the environment and the increasing emphasis on environmental protection, development of modern logistics must give priority to environmental issues, from environmental point of outlook need to improve the logistics system of the need to form a symbiotic environment for the logistics management systems. Such logistics management system built on the livelihood of global environment and sustainable development, based on alterations in the elemental development and logistics, consumer direction of life and the role of logistics relationships, the inhibition of the logistics of harm to the environment in the meantime, the formation of a client tin promote the healthy development of economic and logistics systems, that green logistics transformation. Thus, the modern green logistics management accentuated the global and long-term interests, emphasizing the full range of environmental concerns, reflecting the corporate green picture, is a new trall over logistics management.
green packaging is used to save resources, protect the environment packaging. green packaging reach are: to promote the production departments as simple as possible, as well as biodegradable materials by the into the packaging; in circulation, should take measures to appliance the rationalization and modernization of packaging:
1 green transportation management
1 source management have occurred: the chief logistics process is the source of environmental problems arising from the management. As the logistics activities of the growing and distribution services development, caused in transit transport vehicles additional, will inevitably lead to massive steam additional pollution. You can take the emulating measures on the incidence of source control: development of appropriate environmental regulations on emissions and the vehicles were restrictions; take measures to promote the use of vehicles meet the constraints; the increasing use of low pollution vehicles; on the vehicle noise restrict. China since the late '90s began to strengthen the control of pollution sources, such as air pollution loosened in Beijing for the two-stage dispose goals, not only for new production vehicles adult strict eruption standards, and governance in the transformation with the vehicle in the same time encourage more updated vehicles, to impede the routing to amplify the frequency of vehicle detection, according to the volume of sewage expel fares collected measures After dispose of vehicles, to reduce pollutant emissions from large.
Second, how to implement the Green Logistics Management
3 green circulation processing
(b) of the Enterprise Green logistics management
(3) packaging and extra time, reiterated use and handling of waste packaging: general packaging accustomed without special preparations for the return of use; using flow packaging, can be again accustom, such as drinks, malt bottles; waterfall utilization of the packaging afterward the first use, with complete conversion as it is treated with a easy diversion or use it; of packaging waste by recycling processing, conversion to other uses or production of new materials.
(c) Ecological Ethics
(a) Sustainable Development < br> (2) large-scale packaging and containers of: nice logistics system in the handling, removal, storage, transportation and additional mechanical processes, build up the operating speed of these correlates will help reduce element packaging, packaging materials and packaging price savings , help defend the cargo body. such as the use of containers, container bags, dishes and additional container means.
a green logistics theory
Green Logistics Management as the sustainable economic development today one major chapter of the economy development and promotion of the quality of life is premonitory, whether the relevant government divisions alternatively the business community, should strengthen its logistics management, and go together to build the structure for the development of green logistics.
[3] Liu. Modern Logistics Manual [M]. Beijing: China Material Press, 2001.
Abstract: With economic development, environmental degradation, a deeper level, as part of economic activities, logistics activities are facing an environmental problem and needs from an environmental perspective to improve the logistics system, the formation of Green logistics management system, is the 21st century, new trends in logistics management. This paper analyzes the empirical basis of the three green logistics, and from the angle of the government and enterprises to implement various green measures in logistics management.
ecological economics is the process of forgery, economic systems and ecological systems of the material cycle, energy transition and the merit joined rule and application of science. logistics is an important part of the process of social reproduction, either including material recycling, energy conversion, and expensive transformation and value comprehension. Therefore, the logistics contained in the two systems of economic and ecological environment, of lesson, put up the link between economic and ecological benefits of the bridge. The traditional logistics management did not deal with the relationship, also many emphasis on the economic benefits, while ignoring the environmental benefits, resulting in a decline in society as a entire benefits. economic benefits primarily related to the present and local interests, and environmental benefits are related to the macro-and long-term interests. the emergence of the modern green logistics, has solved this publish. green logistics to the general principles of economics as a adviser to nature, based on the logistics of economic play, economic narratives and decree and the relationship between eco-systems research, to seek the ecological equilibrium, economic rationality, technologically progressive ecological and environmental conditions, the best composition and coordination of the development.
ecological ethics in the logistics process to force people to environmental problems caused by deep reflection, thereby creating a mighty social sense of duty and liabilities. In order to better health and safety of human creatures to survive and develop, to the vital interests of future generations, human beings should be conscientiously maintain ecological balance. This is the time given to us not avoid responsibility, but also the rights of human nature deserving and obligations. Green Logistics is got from the ecological ethics moral advocate.
Waste Logistics (Wastemateriallogistics) means the loss of their economic activity in the use value of the items, according to the substantial needs of the collection, assortment, processing, packaging, handling, storage, and distribution to the specialized treatment facility for physical campaign of goods was formed. Waste is the role of logistics, ignoring the value of the object or object property is not re-use value, only from the environmental beginning to incineration of chemical treatment or transported to specific positions stacked and buried. reduce waste logistics, need to re-use of resources (recycling after use), recycling (processed into raw materials for the new use), this should include the establishment of a production, circulation and consumption of waste recycling systems. To achieve this, companies can not only consider their own logistics efficiency, but prefer from the plenary production, supply and the vision to mobilize the supply chain, logistics, and with this supply chain Management must also consider the further development of waste recycling logistics. the management of logistics to chase the counterparty, realization of benefits of the common; the pursuit of supply chain logistics flow from production to consumption of entire of the benefits; cycle logistics from production to disposal should be pursued efficiency of the whole process of entities, this is the 21st century green logistics management an important issue solved.
from an environmental point of view, the future mass production, mass expense, the outcome will inevitably lead to a lot of waste generated, although a digit of measures have been taken expedite the control of waste elimination and waste logistics, but in general, there is still a lot of waste on society had a solemn negate clash, leadership to difficulties in waste elimination, and will lead to the depletion of social resources and natural resources aggravate. Therefore, the logistics activities of the 21st centenary must be profitable to the forcible use of resources and the maintenance of the global environment.
3 ashore traffic flow management: Government has put in the applicable asset to establish the city center of ring roads, development of regulations on road parking ; take measures to achieve vehicle control system modernization; carry out the development of road and rail exchange. to dilute traffic congestion, improve distribution efficiency and achieve environmental protection objectives.
2 green packaging management
(3) to amplify the first Tripartite Logistics: Third Party Logistics (Thirdpartylogistics) is a supply-side and demand-side other than the provision of logistics services logistics enterprises do business. the development of third gathering logistics, specializing in the logistics business from these companies for the supply-side or demand side, the provision of logistics services, from a higher perspective, a broader consideration of the rationalization of logistics, streamline distribution sectors, the rational transportation is advantageous in a broader range of logistics resources, logical use and allocation of funds to avoid sending its own occupation of the logistics transport efficiency is low, and distribution appearances of cumbersome, increasing the burden on enterprises, increasing urban pollution problems. when some big cities much saturated vehicle delivery, making the emergence of vocational logistics enterprises in the cities vehicles reduced, thus easing the logistics the oppression on urban environmental pollution. In addition, enterprises should also adopt various means of transport save resources, reduce pollution and the environment as the power of raw materials, such as the use of liquefied petroleum gas, solar power as an urban transport; or respond to the Government's call to more and more the upgrading of transport.
[5] Wang-tai. Modern Logistics [M]. Beijing: China Material Press, 1995.
distribution processing (Distributionprocessing) refers to the goods from the maker to the use of land process, according to a need to impose packaging, segmentation, calculation, arranging, gathering, to disburse the cost stickers, labels pay, commodity inspection and other simple operations in general. distribution processing has strong production, circulation department of environmental protection is much can be done districts. green flow processing includes two steps: First, converge on changing consumer processing for the professional processing, the size of practices to improve resource use efficiency, reduce environmental pollution. such as providing services for centralized processing of food to reduce family dispersion caused by cooking energy and air pollution; the second is to converge on consumer processing of scrap materials generated in order to reduce the scatter of consumers waste processing caused by the pollution, such as the circulation department of the centralized processing of vegetables can reduce the spread residents put litter processing and corresponding environmental governance.
sustainable development method no merely apt encounter the needs of the present without compromising the hereafter generations apt meet their needs the ability to process a threat to international environmental and evolution In 1987 the Commission promulgated Future surroundings. This economic plan too applies to the sustainable evolution of the logistics management activities. As the logistics process inevitably consumes energy and resources, cause environmental pollution, and thus to achieve long-term, sustainable development, we must take various amounts to preserve natural environment. modern green logistics management is the basis as sustainable development theory, the formation of the logistics and the environment mutually supportive relationship among the improvement and constraints, accordingly contributing to the development of modern logistics, and logistics to effect a symbiotic environment.
(b) Ecological economics
2 volume of traffic management: role of the government's guiding role in promoting the business of car transport from trucks to transport into business; encourage enterprises to select the right mode of transport, development of a common distribution; Government co-ordinating the logistics center construction; build a modern logistics management information network, which ultimately benefits of logistics, in particular SMEs to improve logistics efficiency. Through these measures to reduce the flow of merchandise, mainly exclude the staggered transport, ease traffic congestion conditions, to improve transport of goods efficiency.
[2] Zhang Duo, Zhou Jianqin. Logistics Management [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2002.
(4) development of current packaging materials and packaging equipment: development trends, packaging The high functional materials, with less stuff to achieve a variety of packaging functions.
Key words: green logistics; green transport; green packaging; Green Distribution Processing
(1) Packaging modular: to resolve the basis of size of pack criterion, that is, modular package. Package module standard is decisive, a variety of productions into the rotation will be required at the module provides the size of packaging. modular accumulation of packaging in favor of small packaging, the use of vessel and pallet, plate. packing module, such for energy and warehousing facilities, transmission facilities, standardization of module sizes, yet also aid transport and warehouse, in order to achieve the rationalization of the logistics system.
garbage management logistics to subserve green logistics in increase to reinforcing administration, we must also attach magnitude to the advocacy of civil green logistics, green commerce enhance their sense of activity to the character of corporations in environmental protection, creating a self-based logistics management system.
(2) to compound persistent system Transportation: Composite invariable system of transport (Combinedtransportation) is drawn railway, car, warships, aircraft and other strengths of the elementary mode of transport, organically join them, the implementation of multi-link, multi-zone, multi-link with each other for goods transport vehicles a way. This mode of transport links to the container as a common media of various tools, play a role in promoting straight transport intricate. To this end, loading tools, and package size requirements must be standardized. the full use of containers and other packaging form, can reduce the packaging expenses, reduce cargo damage during transport, freight shortage. complicated system of transportation has forever been the convenience of also in: it overcomes the shortcomings inherent in a unattached mode of transport to assure the overall transport process optimization and efficiency of; the other hand, from the logistics channels of view, it effectively solve the geography, climate, infrastructure and other commodity market conditions caused by inconsistencies in the production and sale of space, time of detachment, and promote near integration between the production and marketing and the effective functioning of production and action.
(a) The Government's green logistics management

