
{beef|flesh|mbeefn|pork} and the meat as the intention of beast husbandry

Wake up people on world retention the planet (2)
Second, disasters and human errors
reasons why the technology is highly adult today, the human need for survival to anxiety about it? United Nations report that global climate causes global warming, 90% to reprove human activity. is the way of life of human error in the eating of our alive environment,currently extra than 2, overwhelmed the earth.
activities of human civilization, behind an ominous life access (Einstein's term), which is unprecedented over the human meat.
unrestrained in the human world meat claim, driven by fast expansion of animal husbandry. In the world population has surpassed the Earth's load conditions,toronto escorts, times a year to feed a considerable number of human animals, which occasioned the planet pollution and destruction, and consumption of resources can be imagined.
end of 2006, the FAO report: cattle are the biggest culprits causing climate change. Livestock caused by the greenhouse gases list for about 80% of total greenhouse gases. livestock greenhouse gases over the automobile, States must take fathom to restrain this trend.
animal husbandry has also brought a array of other serious problems : rain forest dispose,toronto escort, water pollution, water depletion, desertification, vigor, damage, and world food hunger. . (See We have to generate extra 10 times the land to ploughing, to be proficient to obtain enough food (an hectare of land can feed 20 people dining potatoes, but can merely aid 1-2 meat eaters).
order to acquire these the excess land, the maximum convenient way is to fade away the forest. This is why is cried existing area of ​​forest is the world's largest tropical rain forest. The importance of the global climate can not be ignored and underestimated, it is meaningful cooling of the earth.
almost a billion people on Earth suffer from hunger and malnutrition , four thousand people die from hunger each year,shanghai escort, most of them babies. Still, there are over one third of the world's grain afford is not secondhand to eat people, but to feed livestock. in the United States,shenzhen massage, livestock eat out bring ... to an endseventy percent of cereal product. to produce one kilogram of beef usually takes 7-16 kg of grain know next to nothing ofybeans, and up to 15,500 liters of water and 323 square meters ranch. If we give people to eat cereal instead of feed livestock, was no longer starving. if so many refugees around the world think this is truly an disastrous and sorrowful thing.
Tolstoy said: Vegetarian is a serious humanitarian test.
palatable Hun Shi man behind each meal, there are thrilling, unknown sanguinary facts.
eaten by humans in 2005 totaled 424.2 billion the digit of animals (Source: FAO 2005 Statistical Database), the everyday massacre of animals 1.2 billion (1.2 billion per day the grief of life, peace of idea What you can eat).
no one wants to discern or experience of the Nazi concentration camps and the scene of the Nanjing Massacre, but the suffering of animals but also turning a blind eye. not to say animals from birth, feeding, transportation to the slaughtering process, are subject to inhumane treatment. human demand for meat, the animals far exceeds the pain caused by earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes to human creatures pain. human beings violation of just rules of adore and the macrocosm.
meat is not unalterable. animals and people who are also feeling the pain of life, animals were killed while the center is full of panic and indignation, and people fearful to dead, and not feud This fancy will be cornered into a disruptive mental energy, the repercussion on Earth, causing the Earth's major disaster. the impact and damage, one day science will be revealed.
muse, you ambition ascertain science highly developed and civilized society namely how incredible the meat object. Can you dream a better world based ashore the so-called life of martyrdom and suffering of others to do based above it? live each daytime at killing animals can be regarded for a magnificent, sapient What life? If you want clear, it namely not hard to understand why the world's disasters in proportion with the boost of human meat.
led the history of human civilization and progress, a really great male of sagacity (Einstein, DaVinci Church, Tolstoy, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, George Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Franklin, Gandhi, etc.), they strongly condemned the annihilating of beasts because meat behavior. Why? for they know the meat of the Earth and human harm.
numerous animals good quality, is that we human beings should learn that animals are weak creatures, human beings should be protected. human beings should care for their own lives as the same basic rights to animals. In this distressed epoch, more needs to rouse caring (not fair limited to the same).
person misadventure if they do not want to undergo, they ought put him compassion stretched apt additional organisms. Modern medicinal research likewise showed that the mutton has become the biggest killer of human health. Almost all malignancy, cardiovascular ailments, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, obesity, liver and renal feature degradation are closely related with the pork.
according to a group of U.S. physicians research report: every year caused by the U.S. meat medical costs, estimated by about fifty billion U.S. dollars. international every year for the sum of meat eaten by a kind of diseases arising from the added expenditure of medical expenses, immeasurable.
meat as chronic poison, meat and the meat for the purpose of animal husbandry, are both from a moral and ecological context, the destruction of the Earth and human civilization.
nice people, should be awakened! [unfinished. continued]

