
. Broadwood China

from today I resolved to connect lohas


full appoint referred to Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability
means ;
It involves the concept of a broad scope , from the clothes to the attitude to life, from eating with , from the environmental campaign hh
to subserve dining alphabetical healthy edibles ,beijing massage, nourishing ecological balance , garbage recycle and reuse , slow life, pure Cotton productions ,
LOHAS Life Of Health And Sustainability is the acronym means love the earth , love yourself and love your family's health ; Europe and America have been popular as numerous annuals ,instantly rapid action,
in Asia, the first country to start namely the LOHAS lifestyle Japan .
Now, there are 68 million Americans over the world , 80 million Europeans converge on the LOHAS Lifestyle.
Taiwan is finally first arose in 2006, LOHAS issues , and gave her a fun and suitable The Chinese name ----Health and environmental duty , is to train a variety of love health, love of the Earth 's direction of life .
reaction to the mushroom of LOHAS Lifestyle , LOHAS Lifestyle Market came into creature , sustainability and economic ( such as green establishing , renewable energy , etc. ), health Lifestyle (such as organic food ,beijing escort, health food , etc.), alternative therapies, personal growth ( such as yoga , fitness, physical and cerebral growth , etc.) and eco- life ( second-hand merchandise, environmentally friendly furniture, eco-tourism , etc. ).
[ Broadwood Topics Website ]
. www.lohas.com ( U.S. )
. Broadwood Asia Network www.lohasasia.com
. www.lohas-wrorld.com ( Japan )
. Broadwood China: < br>. Broadwood China Network www.lohaschina.com
. LOHAS site
[ indulge our walk reconnaissance study ]
[ cotton slow life ]
. from Provence, L'Occitane Body Care (CD )

. Occitane L'Occitane ( lawful website )

. Crabtree & Evelyn Crabtree & Evelyn (CD )

. C & E England Station

[ Business and Sustainable Development ]
. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

. Trade and Industry Sustainable Development in China Council (CBCSD)

